11 Feb EcoAction Partners: Last Dollar Solar Garden & More
If you’d like to learn more about Telluride’s Last Dollar Solar Garden, follow the updates on EcoAction Partners.
The Last Dollar Community Solar Garden, developed by Alternative Power, Erdman Energy Enterprises, and the San Miguel Power Association (SMPA), will be coming this summer to Last Dollar Road above the Telluride Airport.
More information about the project below.
There are many homes that are not suitable for rooftop or ground mounted solar systems. This project is designed for all SMPA members who want to offset their electric use in lieu of having solar panels on or around their property while still receiving SMPA bill credit for the energy generated by their subscription. Our mission is to fill a local need with a new offsite clean energy source, the Telluride Last Dollar Community Solar Garden (CSG). All SMPA members will be able to subscribe to the Last Dollar CSG and benefit from monthly bill savings for up to 20 years or more.
Telluride and Mountain Village require that certain exterior energy use and heated garages mitigate or offset these adverse impacts by either the provision of an on-site or an eligible off-site renewable energy system to offset the energy use as specified for the activity, or to make a payment in-lieu in accordance with the annual fee schedule adopted by the Town Council. This mitigation/offset program is called the Residential Energy Mitigation Program (“REMP”) or Telluride Energy Mitigation Program (“TEMP”).
Approximately 1.6 acres of panels will be installed to offer 274 subscriptions; 1 subscriptions equals 1,000 watts of DC solar power or approximately 1600 kilowatt hours per year of electric savings. Home and business owners may purchase enough subscriptions to offset up to 120% of their usage not to exceed 40% of all total subscriptions.
EcoAction Partners’ Truth or Dare program is an exciting elective school program that challenges students aged 9-13 to significantly reduce their carbon footprints and conserve resources. The 2019 program launched this week at the Ouray Elementary School and will run at the Ridgway Elementary School and the Telluride Intermediate School in the upcoming weeks.
This is an excellent program to help educate children to become more aware of their carbon footprint. Want to implement Truth or Dare at home? Refer to the full challenge point system found here.
Earlier this month Tri-State announced the Spanish Peaks Solar Project, a new 100-megawatt solar facility that will be located in Southern Colorado. This is a result from pressure from Co-ops, including the San Miguel Power Association, to increase the percentage of clean energy Tri-State generates and purchases. Tri-State stated that it will continue to evaluate adding new renewable projects based on economic benefit to the association.
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