11 Jan Opera House: Papadosio, 1/20
Telluride’s Sheridan Arts Foundation presents Papadosio live at the historic Sheridan Opera House on Sunday, January 20, 2019. Show begins at 8 p.m.; doors open at 7 p.m. Tickets are $30 general admission on the floor; $40 reserved seats in the balcony. (A $4 ticketing fee is charged at all ticket outlets.) Tickets can be purchased at www.sheridanoperahouse.com or call 970.728.6363 ext. 5.
Scroll down for a preview of Papadosio.
Papadosio plays the main stage with opening support from Cycles. Telluride’s own Spade Couch plays the AfterSHOW in the SHOW Bar immediately following Papadosio. Admission to AfterSHOWs is free with priority given to ticket purchasers for the main stage show. Public will be allowed in (no cover) if space permits.
Falling somewhere between rock, jazz and electronic mayhem, we find space rock. Papadosio strives to create music that is strangely familiar and calls all walks of humanity to bask in a unique experience celebrating the one constant in an ever changing world: music.
Cycles is a three piece band that blends several musical genres including rock, jazz, hip-hop, soul, funk and more. Based out of Denver, the band has an ever-developing sound making no two performances alike.
The Sheridan Arts Foundation was founded in 1991 as a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization to preserve the historic Sheridan Opera House as an arts and cultural resource for the Telluride community, to bring quality arts and cultural events to Telluride and to provide local and national youth with access and exposure to the arts through education. The Sheridan Arts Foundation is sponsored in part by grants from the Telluride Foundation, CCAASE and Colorado Creative Industries.
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