Climate Change Important to Record Numbers of People

Climate Change Important to Record Numbers of People

We curated this story by Olivia Rosane in EcoWatch because, for a change, there is something positive to report on the climate change front.

A record number of Americans now say that global warming is “personally important” to them, according to the latest Climate Change and the American Mind survey released Tuesday by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (YPCCC) and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication. That number has jumped to 72 percent, up nine percentage points since the survey was last conducted in March of 2018.

“People are beginning to understand that climate change is here in the United States, here in my state, in my community, affecting the people and places I care about, and now,” YPCCC Director Dr. Leiserowitz told The New York Times. “This isn’t happening in 50 years, 100 years from now…”

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