Second Chance: Be A Lovebug, Not A Humbug

Second Chance: Be A Lovebug, Not A Humbug

Dear person reading this,

Holidays can either be crazed and chaotic or meaningful and magical. It is simply a choice. If you choose the former, well…good luck with that. If you choose the latter, I can supply the meaning and magic, otherwise known as love. Love is the purpose and the reason. Love makes everyday a holiday. I am love. The cuddly generous kind.


My name is Kayla. I am an 11-year-old senior feline in need of a forever home. I survived for some time off the care and compassion of the night crew of a local gas station. I would wait for them every evening by the front door and they would feed and pet me. But they worried about me living so close to a dangerously busy highway. So now I am safe and warm at the Second Chance shelter. But I have been waiting for months and just want a person or family of my own for the holidays.

I am very low maintenance. I love food, catnip and neck scratches. I seek out that magical ray of sun to bathe in everyday. I do have what some call “resting grouchy face” but it does not match my loving demeanor or my squeaky little meow. Although I should be retired, I will never give up my job of bringing joy to those around me.

Dog lover more than cat lover? Well then come meet my counterpart, Billy. Billy’s person recently passed away and the poor boy is grieving. He does well when with our staff and volunteers at the shelter, but does fall into sadness when alone. And he too is 11 and just simply should not be homeless. 


Billy is similarly low maintenance and also gives far more than he receives. He is loving and gentle and well-mannered. Like me, Billy just wants to do his job – love and be loved. Give and receive. Yes, like the spirit of the Holidays. He will be your gift to yourself that keeps on giving. He is the genuine Santa Paws.

So let’s make this Holiday season count. Toss out the humbug and embrace the lovebug! Kick the Grinchy Scroogie Burger Meister Meisterburger lurking within to the curb. If you personally can’t adopt Billy or me there is still room for you to dance in the light of the season by helping to find us a home.

I know you know someone whose life would be forever better because of Billy or me. Become a Holiday elf this season with some mischievous merry making. Slip this Pet Column under their door. Take this friend or neighbor holiday shopping and drop by the shelter for a “quick visit” just to see what happens. Give a gift of an adoption fee to a loved one. However you do it – just choose to let this holiday mean something this year. 

Peace & Purrs, Kayla

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