25 Sep The Palm: TanzTheater Presents “Mimoun,” 10/4 & 10/5
TanzTheater to present “Mimoun,” Thursday, October 4 and Friday, October 5 at Telluride’s Palm Complex, 6:30 – 8 p.m. Tickets for this event are available at any price. Simply choose the level that makes you happiest. Proceeds help the Michael D. Palm Theatre provide excellent performing arts programming.
Please scroll down for a preview of the performances.
TanzTheater delivers powerful, innovative dance programs under the direction of German choreographer André Koslowski.
Originally founded as Pennsylvania Dance Theatre in 1979 and renamed in 2014, TanzTheater André Koslowski’s company works across boundaries to extend the artistic possibilities of dance and challenge audiences with thought-provoking experiences. In its dedication to exploring the borders between contemporary dance and other artistic disciplines, the company actively collaborates with internationally renowned set designers, composers, and performers to stage intense dance theatre works.
TanzTheater’s artistic vision is informed by Koslowski’s deep understanding of dance traditions and his formative involvement in the European dance theatre community. The company surveys the world with an unflinching eye and seeks to reflect the full range of human experience. To watch Koslowski’s work is to inhabit a world of layered emotions, stories, and gestures that embrace laughter as much as sorrow, and the illogical as much as the rational.
Rave reviews recognize the company’s ability to impress an audience with a “genuine… raw openness” (Adrienne Totino for Pittsburgh Dance Examiner) and “conjure a panoply of emotional states not unlike those of fellow German choreographer, the late Pina Bausch” (Steve Sucato, Pittsburgh City Paper).
On Thursday, October 4 and again on Friday, October 5, TanzTheater presents “Mimoun,”a piece inspired by Raphael Chirbes’ 1988 novel of the same title.
“Mimoun” chronicles the existential struggles of a Madrid writer who travels to Morocco for inspiration. Settling in the small dusty town that gives the work its title, the writer becomes captive to its mysterious languor and vices. Koslowski uses movement, sound and text to give substance to Chirbes’ rich sensory imagery. The program features live music by flautist Claire Beard.
“…brushstrokes of life, burning with absurdist brilliance,” raved the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.
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