07 Sep Norwood Park & Rec: “Save the Livery,” Events Begin 9/8
Norwood Rec District launches “Save the Livery” campaign with Pizza Night, Swing State Ramblers Concert and author talks. Those interested in making a direct donation to Save the Livery should look for brochures at businesses throughout town, or visit the NPRD website at www.norwoodparkandrec.org. All contributions are tax deductible and can be made online or by mailing a check to Norwood Park & Recreation District, PO Box 645, Norwood, CO 81423 (put “Save the Livery” in the memo). In the meantime, keep checking NPRD’s Facebook page for updates on Save the Livery fundraising events and opportunities.
It’s official! The Norwood Park and Recreation District has a signed contract to purchase The Livery Playhouse, a unique arts and recreation space used by the Norwood community for the last 10 years. Host to art classes, dance classes, school events, community theater, yoga classes, weddings, live music, community benefits, and more, The Livery is a widely used public space where folks can gather to learn, celebrate and socialize. With a closing date set for Monday, October 29, the NPRD has just under two months to raise approximately $50,000 toward its $200,000 final purchase price. To that end, there are a number of “Save the Livery” fundraising events and opportunities on the horizon to help NPRD reach its goal, among them this weekend’s “bin” Second Saturday Pizza Night, a Swing State Ramblers concert and BBQ, and a series of Saturday night author events.
Located at 1555 Summit Street, The Livery is a remodeled historic barn complete with stage, dance floor and restroom facilities. The grounds include a vacant lot that serves as yard space for both The Livery and the Oliver House, a circa-1922 Craftsman-style house, which currently houses offices, a classroom/meeting space and a kitchen. NPRD is under contract to purchase The Livery and its adjacent lot for $200,00, $100,00 of which is coming from its capital fund, and roughly $50,000 has already been raised through private donations and commitments. Simultaneously, the Oliver House is under contract with a private investor and Livery supporter, who plans to hold it for NPRD for 2-5 years until they can secure an additional $200,000 in grant funding and contributions to buy it back. In the meantime, NPRD must raise the remaining balance to close on The Livery sale by Oct. 29.
“The Rec District is excited to reach a point where preserving The Livery as a community facility is within reach, “ said Kelvin Verity, president of the NPRD board. “We are looking forward to having The Livery as a permanent community facility for recreation and community events well into the future.”
To jump start fundraising, “bin” Bakery’s Lori Ann Thayer has offered to donate proceeds from her next (and last) Second Saturday Pizza Night to the Save the Livery project. Scheduled for this Saturday, Sept. 8, 6-9 p.m., attendees can stuff themselves silly with a variety of gourmet pizzas, fresh from the oven, for $15 per person. Guests should bring their own beverages and chairs for gathering on the lawn next to the bakery (161 Gurley Dr.) while servers wander the crowd passing slices of delicious, farm-to-table style pizza. The evening also serves as a going away gathering for Thayer, who is closing her bakery and has plans to move out of state next spring.
“We are so grateful to Lori for her steadfast support of the Norwood community,” said NPRD board member Jessica Newens. “Lori’s bin Pizza Nights have filled a social niche and we are so sorry to see her go. I hope everyone will come out to celebrate both Lori and The Livery.”
Another Save the Livery fundraiser takes place on Saturday, September 22 in the form of the 2nd annual Hand Picked Home Grown music and food rendezvous at The Livery. Organized by Norwood native John Herndon and co-hosted by Wide Sky Arts Collective, the event will feature live music by the Swing State Ramblers and award-winning singer songwriter Jackson Emmer (www.jacksonemmer.com), a BBQ buffet, cash bar, and benefit pie auction.
Tickets for the event will include the BBQ and related fixins’ for $30 or $15 for kids. There will be a large outdoor tent, camping is available, and local musicians are encouraged to bring their instrument for pickin’ in the back yard. Music and the bar open at 5 p.m.; dinner begins at 6:30 p.m.; and dancing will take place from 8 to 11 p.m.
“All ticket sales for the event will be matched, dollar for dollar, by friends of the Livery Theater,” said Herndon. “So, make your fun go twice as far by inviting friends to help save the Livery.”
Thanks to several noteworthy Norwood residents, there are also three benefit author events scheduled for October-November.
Former broadcast news correspondents Judy Muller and George Lewis will present “What’s News? Understanding the Media in An Era of Fake News, Biases and Twitter, Saturday, Oct. 20 at 6:30 p.m.
On Saturday, Oct. 27, author Amy Irvine will discuss her latest book, “Desert Cabal: A New Season in the Wilderness,” a reflection on Edward Abbey’s Desert Solitaire 50 years later, also at 6:30 p.m.
Then, in early November, just after The Livery closing date, Craig Childs will talk about his latest book, “Atlas of a Lost World: Travels in Ice Age America.”
Author talks will cost $5 a head and likely include refreshments, book sales and socializing afterward.
Telluride’s Between the Covers plans to donate 10 percent of its book sales proceeds to Save the Livery.
“We hope these events at The Livery reflect some of the possibilities of how we can use this property as a long term community asset,” said Newens. “We believe this facility helps us meet the physical, mental, cultural and social needs of the Rec District, which is a stated part of our mission.”
In the meantime, the NPRD board would like to acknowledge the donors who kick started the Save the Livery campaign this summer. Melissa Currie’s Fitness Challenge raised $1,130 and Lori Thayer’s Farm to Table Dinner raised $3,140. Save the Livery has also received two anonymous gifts of $1,000 and $6,000. In addition, Norwood resident has committed to contributing a vintage motorcycle, which will be auctioned off online as a benefit to The Livery.
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