04 Aug Telluride & Montrose Community Foundations: Evaluation & Board Development Workshops, 8/9
Two of the most common issues for most nonprofit organizations are how to evaluate programs and demonstrate their success and how to develop a strong board of directors to lead the organization. The Telluride Foundation and Montrose Community Foundation are teaming up to provide answers to those common questions. The foundations are hosting two consecutive half-day workshops on Thursday, August 9, at the Sherbino Theater in Ridgway, CO. The first training session is “Effective Outcome Measurement – How You Change Lives and Strengthen Communities,” held from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. The afternoon training is “Build a Stronger Board in 90 Days – Or Less,” held from 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm. Nonprofit staff and board members are encouraged to attend these interactive workshops. Plan to attend both with a lunch break in between or just come to one, if you are limited on time. These workshops are free and open to the public. Please contact April Montgomery at the Telluride Foundation at 970-728-8717 or april@telluridefoundation.org to RSVP for both or either workshop.

Telluride Foundation sign by metal artist Lisa Issenberg
Participants in the first training, “Effective Outcome Measurement,” will learn how program evaluation can help them understand whether or not their program delivers quality and effective services. This program provides a brief overview of program evaluation and logic models, but is focused on outcome measurement, data collection methods, communicating results and telling your story. Attendees will learn creative and meaningful ways to measure and articulate how their programs make a difference in the lives of the people they serve.
The second training, “Build A Stronger Board in 90 Days – Or Less,” will focus on the primary roles and responsibilities of a nonprofit board and is designed for both new and seasoned board members, executive directors, and staff. Attendees will learn the core attributes of exceptional boards, what makes a good board member and how to build a stronger board. The way in which board members approach their board service depends on the size, culture, staffing, funding and mission of the organization; however, there are key traits of exceptional boards that apply to all nonprofits. When an organization invests the time to build a stronger board and implement governance best practices, board member’s experiences become improved and the effectiveness of the entire organization is increased.
Denise Clark, the owner of her Denise Clark, Inc., an independent consulting and coaching business, specializing in building the capacity of nonprofit organizations, will lead both sessions. She has been working for and consulting with nonprofit organizations for over 25 years. Clark is a recognized nonprofit thought leader, consultant and coach with experience in fundraising, board development, strategic planning, and executive leadership. In describing the upcoming workshops, Clark said, “The first training slightly disrupts how nonprofits evaluate and talk about their programs. The true power of data comes from describing the ‘so what”‘behind the numbers and communicating compelling stories about social impact. The second training looks at the roles and responsibilities of nonprofit boards and provides practical ideas and strategies, including take-home tools and templates, to help board members be more effective in carrying out their governance duties and dealing with everyday challenges.”
About Montrose Community Foundation:
Established in 1994, to help fund community projects, the Montrose Community Foundation (MCF) is a charitable 501(c)3 organization with the long term goal of building permanent funds for the public benefit of the residents in the Montrose community. MCF serves the community as a non-profit resource, it grants funds, administers scholarships for local students, collaborates with community groups and fosters a compassionate community that is focused on the future through planned giving. For more information visit www.montrosecf.com
About the Telluride Foundation:
The Telluride Foundation is committed to enriching the quality of life of the residents, workforce, and visitors of the Telluride region. It is a nonprofit, apolitical community foundation that makes grants and runs programs in arts, education, health and human services, community development, and social enterprises. The Foundation strives to achieve excellence for the community through its mission and core values of inclusion, self-reliance, and innovation. Our work is funded through the generous support of hundreds of donors as well as grants from state and national foundations. Pease visit www.telluridefoundation.org.
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