25 Jul Sheridan Opera House: Alice in Wonderland, Show, 7/27
July 23-27, 20 young actors, ages 8-12, will participate in Telluride’s Sheridan Arts Foundation’s Young People’s Theater Summer Spectacular, a week-long non-competitive summer acting workshop. The show on July 27, 1 p.m., is FREE and open to the public.
The Summer Spectacular features child-centered theatrical adventure that focuses on skill and confidence building, teamwork, creative empowerment and innovative thinking.
In just five days, these talented kids will create a mini-production of “Alice in Wonderland” to be performed live at the historic Sheridan Opera House, July 27 at 1 p.m.
Be prepared to be blown away by what these 8-12 year-olds can accomplish in under a week of rehearsal! Students have just one week to work on bringing these beloved characters to life.
Since 1999, the historic Sheridan Opera House has been home to Young People’s Theater, a diverse and flourishing center for young thespians, enrolling more than 200 children between the ages of 2 and 18 each year.
The Sheridan Arts Foundation was founded in 1991 as a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization to preserve the historic Sheridan Opera House as an arts and cultural resource for the Telluride community, to bring quality arts and cultural events to Telluride and to provide local and national youth with access and exposure to the arts through education. The Sheridan Arts Foundation is sponsored in part by grants from the Telluride Foundation. CCAASE and CCI.
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