Ah Haa: Think Sun, Make Art!, Adult Class Overview

Ah Haa: Think Sun, Make Art!, Adult Class Overview

This summer Telluride’s Ah Haa School hosts nearly 60 adult classes in a wide range of mediums and experience levels. Courses range from traditional studio arts to landscape design, from knife skills to screenplay writing. For a full list of Ah Haa’s summer adult classes, go here. For  even more information on classes, tuition assistance and work-study options call 970-728-3886.

Watercolor, Kim Johnson.

Telluride’s robust summer season is right around the corner and with it comes Ah Haa’s adult class schedule, packed with opportunities to create, express, learn and play. From painting and printmaking to gardening – even swordplay –courses should offer something for everyone, experienced artists to never-evers.

Among Ah Haa’s visiting summer artists are three watercolorists: Kim Johnson (Watercolor Portraiture); Dennis Pendleton (Capturing Telluride in Watercolor); and Diane Meyer (The Language of Watercolor).

Krista Harris

NYC painter Gregory Botts returns to give a plein air course, Seeing the Landscape; Krista Harris will teach Scratching the Surface.

Interested in encaustics? Sign up for an introductory/basic skills encaustics class taught by new visiting artist Lynda Ray (Encaustic Painting: Starting & Expanding Your Technical Skills), or for Shawna Moore and Ellen Koment’s class: Two Artists: Two Approaches. 

Encaustic, Shawna Moore

In the mood to paint? Paulo Jo Miller’s Acrylic Pouring workshop and Annie O’Brien Gonzales’s Expressive Painting Techniques with Mixed Materials allows students to explore new ways to use familiar materials.

Walker Mettling and Julia Gualtieri are back in August to teach another spontaneous and adventurous bookmaking class: Unplugged Image Capturing.

The dynamic duo of Brucie Holler and Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer team up again for a painting and poetry retreat: Taking Flight.

Rosmerry, courtesy, reallifephotographs.

Writing classes also play heavily into this summer’s offerings.

In addition to two Wallace Stegner-inspired classes led by Hugh Fitzsimons, Antonya Nelson teaches Ten Steps to Writing Your Short Story and Katie Klingsporn Cole focuses on the art of freelance writing in The Side Hustle Scribble.

Antonia Nelson

Students can also try their hand at jewelry-making, leather-working, wheel- throwing, birding, photography,  and fabric-dying.

They can learn to master technology with intros to Adobe Photoshop and InDesign and How to Make the Most of Your iPhone or iPad.

Even how to make the probiotic drink, kombucha.

Leather artisan craftsman manufacturing with diy tools, workshop laboratory view from top, green table

Throughout the summer, Robert Weatherford’s Painting From Within, an Ah Haa favorite, runs weekly. 

Registration is open for all of Ah Haa’s summer 2016 adult classes, so take a chance, try something new and flex your creative muscles at Telluride’s art school this summer.

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