02 Dec EcoAction: Optimizing Green Building
In its quest to promote sustainability and decrease carbon footprints, EcoAction Partners focuses a lot of its energy on educating. The nonprofit is hosting a free lunchtime workshop at the Wilkinson Public Library on Dec. 6 from 12-1 p.m. aimed at giving property and building managers tools to curtail energy use on the job. Lunch will be provided by the Telluride Association of Realtors. RSVP by Dec. 4 to Kim@ecoactionpartners.org or 728-1340. And to read about EcoAction’s Executive Director Heather Knox recent appointment to the Colorado Pollution Advisory Board Assistance Committee, click here.
This 1-hour educational event will be focused on optimizing building mechanical systems with a panel discussion by regional experts.
Topic will include:
Energy-savings tactics and benefits of regular maintenance.
Optimizing controls for heating systems, heat-tape and snowmelt systems, and other mechanical systems.
Other energy savings tips incorporated into EcoAction Partners’ Green Property Manager Program.
Incorporating “un-occupied” settings when homes are vacant for long stretches of time.
The importance of installing condensate neutralizers on waste piping.
Panel experts from Solomon Gallegos — Advanced Hydronics, Pete Cassidy — Par Mechanical & Don Jones — Controlled Hydronics.
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