28 Mar Telluride Film Fest Cinematheque: “Five Easy Piece,” 4/3
Telluride Film Festival Cinematheque is collaboration between The Telluride Film Festival and Wilkinson Public Library. On Monday, April 3, 6 p.m., the featured film is FIVE EASY PIECES (1970), part of the “Road Trip” series. Free to all. Scroll down to watch a trailer.
The Telluride Film Festival and Wilkinson Public Library’s Cinematheque film series, Road Trip! continues in April with one of the pivotal films of Hollywood’s 1970’s New Wave: FIVE EASY PIECES.
Director Bob Rafelson’s film follows Bobby Dupea (Jack Nicholson), a one-time promising pianist turned blue-collar California oil-rig worker, on his trip home to see his dying father.
A journey through stunning American landscapes shot by cinematographer László Kovács, the film was listed among Roger Ebert’s Great Movies.
“One of the best American films…Five Easy Pieces becomes a masterpiece of heartbreaking intensity,” wrote Ebert, “The movie is joyously alive to the road life of its hero. We follow him through bars and bowling alleys, motels and mobile homes, and we find him rebelling against lower-middle-class values even as he embraces them. In one magical scene, he leaps from his car in a traffic jam and starts playing the piano on the truck in front of him; the scene sounds forced, described this way, but Rafelson and Nicholson never force anything, and never have to. Robert Eroica Dupea is one of the most unforgettable characters in American movies.”
As always, Cinematheque is free and open to the public in the library’s program room theater. Bring your spring fever and wanderlust.
It’s time to hit the road…
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