17 Jan Fire Fest: Burning Man Photography, Opening 1/19
The New Year is off to a flaming start as the 3rd annual Telluride Fire Festival, officially Friday, January 20 – Sunday, January 22, warms things up on Thursday, January 19. Fire Fest opens with a reception at the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art, 4 – 6 p.m. featuring Burning Man photographer Scott London. Following the London event, Craig Childs is the featured speaker, Thursday, 6:30 p.m., Oak Street Gondola Plaza. There are also free fire performances at Mountain Lodge. Friday, January 20, starts three nights of free fire art installations and fire dancing in Telluride. To volunteer for Fire Fest, go here.To purchase Fire Ball tickets, go here. Link here for all ticketed events and workshops and for further information. Link here to Fire Fest’s FAQ page.
The kick-off of the 3rd annual Telluride Fire Fest is a reception and book-signing by world-renowned photographer Scott London, hosted by the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art in conjunction with Telluride Fire Festival.
Nineteen of London’s images from Burning Man will be on display for just three days during this special exhibition. The book-signing is hosted by Between the Covers Bookstore. Resfreshments (including a cash bar) are thanks to Telluride Bistro.
According to his website, photographer Scott London is:
…perhaps best known for his images of Burning Man, a series spanning over a decade of work. The photographs appear in Burning Man: Art on Fire, a bestselling coffee-table book published by Race Point. A collaboration with writer Jennifer Raiser and fellow photographer Sidney Erthal, the book is now available in a new and expanded edition. More info at Amazon.com
Scott’s work has also been exhibited at museums and shows across the U.S. and Europe. Highlights include the “Living” exhibition at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark and the “Art in an Ephemeral Age” show at the Institute of Art and Ideas in England. He is a featured photographer in the Moving Europe project currently making its way through the streets of several European cities, including Amsterdam, Athens, and Lisbon.
In addition to his photography, Scott is known for his print and radio journalism. He is the former host of “Insight and Outlook,” a weekly cultural affairs program heard on National Public Radio stations across the United States.
Scott was born in Washington D.C. At the age of five, his family moved to Stockholm, Sweden, where he was raised and educated—and where, as a teenager, he taught himself photography. He returned to the States in his mid-20s and eventually landed on the West Coast. America is built on a tilt, as he likes to say, and everything loose slides to California.
London’s publishing credits include Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair, Newsweek, The Atlantic, Fast Company, GQ, Architectural Digest and National Geographic Traveler. His work has also been the subject of features in Wired, CNN, and the Discovery Channel’s “This Happened Here.”
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