06 Dec Opera House: 1 Night, 2 Comedy Shows
Telluride’s Sheridan Arts Foundation presents a night of all-star comedy on Friday, December 16, with two different shows: “Jay and Silent Bob Get Old” at 7 p.m.; “An Evening with Kevin Smith” at 10 p.m. Tickets for the 7 p.m. show, which was announced in October, are selling very fast; seats for the 10 p.m., recently announced, are still available.
Scroll down to watch videos of the comedians in action.
Tickets for each show, $40-$50 reserved, are sold separately.* Tickets and information: sheridanoperahouse.com or 970.728.6363 x5.
On Friday night, December 16, 7 p.m. the hilarious duo Jay & Silent Bob perform live in Telluride.
Film icons Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes made history and fans all over the world with the characters Jay and Silent Bob from the movies “Clerks,” “Mallrats,” “Chasing Amy,” “Dogma,” “Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back,” and Clerks 2.” Now you can see them live recording their comedy podcast Jay & Silent Bob Get Old. This is what fans everywhere have been waiting for, an opportunity to see their comedic heroes on stage, doing what they love, telling stories.
Cinema icon Jason Mewes is best known as the potty-mouthed vocal half of Jay and Silent Bob, the on- screen comedic duo who first appeared in Kevin Smith’s seminal 1994 indie film “Clerks.” Mewes would reprise the character five more times on the big screen from 1995 to 2006, becoming a sort of James Bond of mid-90s lo- budget film, a fast-talking, foul-mouthed, over-sexed, but ultimately harmless, likable guy.
At 10 p.m. Smith takes the stage solo for a second round of storytelling and comedy.
A writer, comedian, podcaster, and film director, Smith has written and directed numerous films, including “Clerks,” “Chasing Amy,” “Dogma,” “Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back,” “Red State & Tusk.”
Smith is the creator of AMC’s “Comic Book Men.” He authored “Silent Bob Speaks,” “Shootin’ the Sh*t with Kevin Smith,” “My Boring-Ass Life” and most recently “Tough Sh*t: Life Advice from a Fat, Lazy Slob Who Did Good.”
An Evening with Kevin Smith is a chance to get up close and personal with the man who brought the world these films.
The SHOW Bar will open at 6 p.m.
*Does not include $4 ticketing fee.
The Sheridan Arts Foundation was founded in 1991 as a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization to preserve the historic Sheridan Opera House as an arts and cultural resource for the Telluride community, to bring quality arts and cultural events to Telluride and to provide local and national youth with access and exposure to the arts through education. The Sheridan Arts Foundation is sponsored in part by grants from the Telluride Foundation, CCAASE and Just For Kids.
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