27 Nov Telluride Arts: Holiday Arts Bazaar
Telluride Arts’ Holiday Arts Bazaar is a weekend-long event. And once again this year the annual shopping spree featuring the work of regional artists takes place at the Elks Lodge, 472 West Pacific. The fun starts Friday, December 2, 4 – 6 p.m. with a Grand Opening and Merrymaking event. The Bazaar continues Saturday, December 3, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.; and Sunday, December 4, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Holidays making you feel blorfty?
Can’t say cause you don’t know what blorft is?
“Blorft” is comedian Tina Fey’s way of describing angst, holiday angst included. According to the superstar comic, the adjective is shorthand for “completely overwhelmed but proceeding as if everything is fine and reacting to the stress with the torpor of a possum.”
Part One of the holiday trifecta, Thanksgiving, is OVER. Thank heaven. You ate too much, but next day, you ran off the guilt, right? Now it’s on to the Really Big Stressor, Christmas – at least the secular version of the holiday, when, Puff!, like magic, people we care deeply about morph into boxes to check off on a holiday gift list.
Need some ideas?
For the lady in your life with everything, how about Victoria’s Secret’s annual holiday over-the-top (pun intended) bejeweled bra for somewhere in the neighborhood of $2 million clams to support the sisters?
For the kid born with a platinum spoon in his or her mouth, there’s always the Goldgenie, an 18-karat-gold Apple iPad for only $2,411.
Something for the whole family to enjoy? Why not a a bespoke backgammon set for the bargain basement price of $950.
A mahjong set by Hermès is just $46,000?
Gilded playing cards with leather card case? A mere $2300.
The so-called Darwin Tank? It’s a tank for jellyfish. You heard me. Jellyfish. Yours for only $1,621.27.
A Cedes Milano toothpaste squeezer is the perfect bathroom accessory for just $244.
And for the man in your life, a Canoe condom dispenser, a triffle. Just $42.
Not part of the .01 percent?
Or you just don’t want to flaunt it.
Unfurrow your brow.
Stop gnashing your teeth.
There are ways to make amends – and friends.
And they are homegrown, piggybank-friendly – and local.
Telluride Arts’ Holiday Arts Bazaar , a 40+-year Telluride tradition, is a lively annual holiday happening that features a wide variety of fine arts, crafts, and artisan foods all Made in Telluride (region).
As in previous years, the Bazaar is open all weekend and includes something unique gifts for everyone on your list.
Expect all your favorites – jewelry by Christopher Beaver, Kathy Green’s silk scarves, and Stephanie Morgan Roger’s ornaments, also greeting cards. There are exciting new artisans too. You will find purses, bags, belts, cards, soaps, ornaments, phone cozies, pet portraits, cashmere, chocolate treats, and so much more.
Join the Telluride Holiday Arts Bazaar Facebook event for up-to-date news and sneak peeks from the vendors.
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