24 Aug Second Chance: Crazy Coconut Cure
Hi my name is Lucy, a homeless pet here at Second Chance Humane Society (more on me later). My Pet Column topic this week is coconuts.

The coconut craze (using coconut for a range of benefits from nutritional to household remedies and body care) just got crazier because I discovered (via EcoWatch.com) that coconut has a variety of positive applications that might benefit pets too. From shampoo to toothpaste, paw protection and more – read on to unlock the 8 secrets of the coconut to improve your pet’s health.
1. Fur Conditioner. Due to its natural disinfecting and healing properties – Coconut-Oil-Tips.com says, “medium chain triglycerides are effective antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral compounds” – coconut oil is great for your pets skin and coat. Adding coconut oil to your pets diet (with veterinarian approval) is recommended at 1 tsp per 10 lbs or 1 Tbsp per 30 lbs using unrefined virgin coconut oil. (Introduce slowly.)
2. Pet Toothpaste. Like humans, oral surgery on pets is something to avoid and the best way to do this is frequent teeth brushing. As most dogs find coconut to be yummy, you should find that your pet enjoys this activity.
3. Dog Shampoo. A lot of commercial dog shampoos now include coconut oil, but you can also make your own. FirstHomeLoveLife.com has an easy recipe. Too much can make it greasy until it gets fully absorbed into the fur and skin, so use sparingly depending on your dog’s size.
4. Soothe Hotspots and Dry Skin. Whether your pup has a dry nose or a hot spot, coconut oil used topically moisturizes the skin for a variety of pet skin ailments. (Again check with your veterinarian first.) It can even help disinfect minor injuries and no problem when Kitty or Buster wants to lick it off.
5. Prevent Hairballs. Adding a bit of coconut oil to your kitty’s diet will not only prevent the hairballs, it can also help the digestive tract. Consult with your veterinarian first, but Coconut-oil-tips.com suggests working up to a teaspoon per day per 10 pounds, so that Kitty’s stomach bacteria stay in balance.
6. Paw Protection. Coconut oil has even been found to help heal minor paw injuries.
7. Flea Repellent. Although fleas aren’t much of a problem in this region, if you are using traditional flea treatment, which can often be toxic and only temporarily effective, instead try mixing 1 part coconut oil with 2 parts water. Boil and then pour into a spritzer bottle to lightly spray your pup. I have heard it works well!
8. Ear Mite Remedy. Does your pet have itchy ears? Coconut oil has been used as a natural treatment of ear mites in kittens and other pets.
So now more about me, Lucy.
I am a special girl here at Second Chance. I arrived just in time to find a nice place to give birth to my litter of pups. I was well taken care of and was a fabulous Mom. Now I have seen them all off, adopted into loving homes, and am ready for my new forever family. I am an 18-months-young Lab/Border Collie (Laborder) mix weighing in at only about 35 pounds. The staff consider me one of the nicest dogs you will ever meet. I am smart, active, and I walk well on a leash. Grab a bottle of coconut oil and come meet me today.

And Newby is this week’s Cat of the Week. He is a two- year-young tabby who is a calm great natured guy who is great around cats and dogs. He is learning to speak Russian and enjoys tennis.
Editor’s note: It’s no secret. The Telluride region is dog heaven. Well, pet heaven. Unless you are one of our furry friends who gets caught in the maw of neglect and abuse. Then heaven is on hold until Second Chance Humane Society comes to the rescue. Second Chance is the region’s nonprofit dedicated to saving animals’ lives and promoting responsible pet parenting and human-animal bond. In her weekly blog, executive director Kelly Goodin profiles at least one, generally two of the many animals now living at the no-kill shelter, Angel Ridge Shelter, a dog and a cat, hoping to find them loving permanent homes. The column is sponsored by Ted Hoff of Cottonwood Ranch & Kennel, who from time to time exercises his skills as a dog whisperer, partnering with Kelly and her staff to help train a particularly challenging animal.
By the by, there is no better place to park your pup or get your pup (or adult dog) trained than Cottonwood whenever you head out of town (for locals) or are heading to town and staying somewhere that does not allow pets. Consider joining Ted’s Very Important Dog (VID) Club for added benies. (Details on Ted’s website.)
Second Chance Humane Society Animal Resource Center and Thrift Shop are both located in Ridgway, but service San Miguel, Ouray & Montrose Counties. Call the SCHS Helpline at 626-2273 to report a lost pet, learn about adopting a homeless pet, or about the SCHS Spay/Neuter, Volunteer, Feral Cat, or other Programs. View the shelter pets and services online: www.adoptmountainpets.org
Vetting the Vet: Dr. Michelle Dally. DVM, J.D. is Medical Director of Second Chance Humane Society. She also has a private practice, Dally Veterinary Medicine, 333 S. Elizabeth Street, Ridgway, Colorado. Her service area is San Miguel Mesas, Placerville, Ridgway, Ouray, and Montrose. For more on Dr. Dally, go here.
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