21 Jan ALACAZEM 2015.12.31
Editor’s note: It is with a mixture of sadness to lose this wonderful column and surprise at our good fortune to have had Cynthia’s Alacazem on TIO, practically since the beginning. We understand that all things have their time, and can only say with gratitude: “Godspeed, Friend. And thanks.”
December 31 to January 7, 2016 Visible planets: Morning: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Evening: none
Time and Timelessness, Life and Death in 2016
It is New Year’s Eve morning and I’m sitting at our dining room table listening to the snow melt off our roof and fall like raindrops upon the rock and concrete patio outside our door, trying to come up with appropriate words for the last Alacazem column of 2015 – and as it turns out, the last weekly column of Alacazem ever. Ever? Forever?***
A fire burns and flames dance behind the glass doors of our now one-year-old Jotul woodstove. The day is misty with low, vaporous clouds, white light sifts through the crystalline fog. Inside work works just fine for me today. I’ve been laying low, recovering from a not-too-friendly virus, reading the fascinating, lingually impressive Land of Oz novel Wicked by Gregory Macguire, practicing a new low-stress, no-stress approach to daily life. And I’ve just decided what to write. I’m going to use the Alacazem column I wrote last year at this time as a template, edit it appropriately and the publish as it is meant to be. The subject matter of that column happened to be Time, an always timely topic, especially at this time of year.
So, here I am, here we are, moving through the second decade of the 21st century, evolving as a species on an organically rich planet – revolving around the Sun, in a galaxy, in a cosmos – through the illusive, invisible, ethereal, eternal mind-stuff we call time. And what is time?
If I had read the Special Collector’s Edition of Scientific American I bought myself for Christmas [in 2014] titled “A Matter of Time,” perhaps I might be able to answer the question. But, I have not. Instead I can only quote the cover: “It begins, it ends, it’s real, it’s an illusion. It’s the ultimate paradox.” And a forever and always mystery, just like life and death.
Today, I know the calendar clock has moved along and it is time to start a new year. I also know that a very good, old friend of mine has “clocked out” – her time here on the physical earth-plane ended two days past. [The late, great Karen LaQuey died in late December 2014] The Angel of Death has taken her to another world, another realm. And once again, the Great Mystery prevails. The miracle of life begins our journey toward life’s end. It’s all a matter of time. And then what? Does time then end?
Time and timelessness; one second, one moment, one hour, one day at a time. We live our lives. Perhaps the most important question is “How do we choose to live our lives, one day, one hour, one moment at a time?” Challenges and choices, changes and adjustments, actions and reactions. Karma and dharma, the world turns and time marches on. And today, I honor my gratitude and the grace bestowed upon me by the many publishers, editors and readers over the 27 years I have written Alacazem. From the 1988 version Alacazem: Astrology and Metaphysics in The Telluride Times with Scott Brown, Mike Ritchey and Roberto Cerveza [Bob Beer] to Mike Ritchey and partner Tom at the wonderful upstart paper Telluride Today as simply Alacazem, then on to The Telluride Times-Journal with the late John Davidson, Art Goodtimes, Tom Bonifietti, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer and Karen Bellrose to the late Peter Spencer at The Norwood Post, to the Telluride Watch with Marta Tarbell and Seth Cagin, to The Telluride Daily Planet with Mike Ritchey [again], Bob Beer [again] and Tony Daranyi, to Rick Romancito at The Taos News and then, last but certainly not least, Susan and Clint Viebrock, who awarded Alacazem with a happy home in their fabulously creative, cutting edge online newsfeed Telluride Inside…and Out.
My memory is a bit foggy when it comes to remembering all the talent, people and personalities I was so blessed to be involved with in the fastly vanishing species of the hard copy print newspaper world, and so here it is I will apologize in advance for any incorrect information or out of order, discombobulated mix and or mis-match of who and when and where, but I also just want to say THANK YOU many times over, for all you all have done to enlighten, encourage, support and inspire me as I have traveled the mystical, mysterious, muse-fueled up and down road of life as a writer. The journey has been awesome.
I would like to end this memorandum with a profoundly timeless message written on a closet wall at Fort Collins High School by my 18-year-old niece, Lise, now an angelic presence in the mysterious, mystical realm of spirit: “Live each and every moment of your precious life.”
Wishing all people and life upon this magical planet Earth an embracing, awakening, uplifting, enlightening journey in 2016. May we live each and every moment of our precious lives. Blessings and peace.
***Spoiler Alert! [I am planning to write one more Alacazem piece for TIO this season, a mini-yearly 2016 forecast for all signs of the zodiac which will be published sometime in January 2016. And after that? Time will tell…]
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) A shift of ages and energy arrives with 2016. Ruler Mars entering secretive Scorpio forces issues of honesty, omission and denial. If you’ve been hiding things or burying emotions, get let them out! Mercury in Aquarius favors truth and candor. And with these two planets in square aspect, it will all come out one way or another. Let others know how you feel and what you’re up to. Continue living the lessons you’ve learned.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) Self-honesty is the best policy and year’s end reminds us that it’s time to take and make our annual personal inventory. And don’t be too hard on yourself; in fact focus on the opposite. You have come through adversity, challenge and change with flying colors, fought demons and won. Of course, that doesn’t mean you’re perfect. The greatest satisfaction and deepest grace comes from ongoing self-improvement.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) Ruler Mercury goes retrograde at 0° Aquarius on Jan. 5th and then quickly moves backward into Capricorn. This translates as a 3-week return to events and actions that took place in early 2015 and the consequential evolution that has followed. Time heals wounds and presents fresh perspectives. Utilize this time to assess and reassess, revisit and revise. Health is wealth, honor it above all else.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) Mental, medical, magical Mercury retrogrades back into Capricorn this week and reopens issues of relationship, pairing and sharing. Especially significant are important people and strong commitments, as well as established ways of thinking and behaving. Happily, Mars enters Scorpio and activates an openhearted approach to it all. Dig deep, discover the power of love and use it whenever and wherever you can.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) As one year gives way to another, planets shift and stars align in a dance of remembrance, revision and regeneration. Take it easy when and if you can, Mercury retrograde in your solar 6th house of health is a prescription of the most important order. Be critically analytical and brutally honest when it comes to physical and spiritual self-improvement. Determine what needs to be done and prepare to do it.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) A fresh new year delivers joyful news and happy thoughts to the Virgin. Good luck Jupiter has been good to you in 2015. You have expanded and improved your world, increased wealth and maintained health. Now it’s time to make sure you haven’t gone too far over the limit, lost sight of reality or are living beyond your means. Reel it all in and take a good personal inventory. Adjust accordingly and simply do the next right thing.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) The ongoing Pluto-Uranus square in Capricorn-Aries has finally reached critical mass and will now start slowing moving out of orb. But don’t be surprised if you’ve recently experienced some of its radical physical, spiritual or emotional upsets and awakenings. The good news is that whatever has suddenly emerged and disturbed your equilibrium is a harbinger of positive change. No joke, break the chains that bind!
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) Lusty, passionate Mars moves into Scorpio just two days into 2016 and awards you with two full months of heightened personal will and desire, increased motivation and a rather restless, excitable spirit. This is a classically energetic transit, a time to get a lot done, pursue goals and be productive in general. The potential negatives: impatience, anger and ego-inflated behaviors. Just stay awake and aware. Be cool.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) 2016 opens with a stationary retrograde Mercury in Aquarius that quickly moves back into Capricorn. This translates as a slow start to the New Year, a sort of reprieve and release from the customary pressure of resolutions and promises of self-betterment that are popular. In place of pressure, seek revitalization, restoration and redemption. It’s all about conscious choices. Make them.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) Your Happy Birthday month rings in the New Year with a bit of pomp and pressure, slow-moving progress and quick response. You have no doubt signed up for more than your share of work and commitment, but after all, what’s new? Busy-bee Mercury goes retrograde on Jan. 5th and awards you with three golden weeks to finish up what you’ve started. Artistic inspiration motivates magnificent work. Create!
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Messenger Mercury knocks on the electrically-charged Aquarius door and then quickly returns back into conventional Capricorn as the New Year begins. This translates as a time for more R&R, a slower pace and a deeper look at your physical, emotional and spiritual condition. How well are you taking care of your health? How to improve your daily routines? And diet? Too much sugar? Cut it out if you can. Yes!
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Mental Mercury moves retrograde into Capricorn just days following the advent of 2016 and remains there until late January. Welcome to several weeks that favor finishing rather than starting; revising, revisiting and rejuvenating anything and everything. Just think about all the words that begin with the prefix “re” and have fun trying them out. In other words, relax, recharge, regenerate, research, and remember…
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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