21 Dec Poets’ Corner: A Xmas Gift from Rosemerry
No matter how darn organized you are, it is likely there is at least one person on your Christmas shopping list who has stopped you dead in your (very tired by now) tracks. Or some stocking that is not stuffed full enough. Google “last minute Xmas gifts” and 100s of ideas show up, among my favorites: a gift of your time, like offering to babysit for your friends’ progeny; tickets to a sporting event or concert; a charitable donation in a friend or loved one’s name; a dvd of a favorite TV series (Netflix or Amazon this year); or one of many books from Telluride’s favorite book emporium, Between the Covers, including any one (or more) of number of books of poetry by our favorite Wordwoman, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, who offers this shimmering holiday gift from her heart.
Christmas Morning
What was it under the tree
I was hoping for—perhaps
forgiveness, not the kind
you can tie up with a bow,
no, rather the kind
you don’t even know is there,
except you notice you can’t
stop laughing and everything,
even the awkward scale
you lug around in your thoughts,
even that seems luminous,
some small, amusing scrap
of heaven.
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