18 Nov Between the Covers: McAfee at Arroyo 11/24 & More
Mark your calendars for the first in a series of upcoming events hosted by Between the Covers Bookstore. Meet author and transformational guide Julie McAfee. Enjoy a reading and discussion of her book “The Path of the Priestess” on Tuesday, November 24, 6:30 p.m. at Telluride’s Arroyo Wine Bar. Learn what motivated these women to walk their path and how they are making monumental shifts on the planet. And scroll down to bottom of stories for previews of upcoming BTC events.
The power of women to create monumental change was a given in past times.
Exceptional women held their place in front of the temple, as priestesses, guides and oracles, wise leaders, and medicine women. The world needs feminine leadership today more than ever and, as the new paradigm of the Divine Feminine defines itself, real leaders are emerging, guiding women to finding their “true voices,” and offering solutions for these troubled times.
“The Path of the Priestess” is a collaboration among ten of today’s most radical feminine leaders, each having awakened from their own “dark night of the soul” to evolve, discover their divine purpose, and lead others. Each author shares her vulnerable truth—the good, the bad, and the ugly—and peels off a mask to show everyone what it is really like behind the scenes for a modern-day feminine leader participating in the global consciousness revolution.
Here is what reviewers have to say about “The Path of the Priestess”:
“Resonates with love, power, beauty and truth. This is a must-read for all women who are feeling called to take the path less traveled; so often we feel alone or unsupported on our journeys. It is about how it is time we hear more of the voices of women speaking the language of the Divine Feminine. Storytelling is such a powerful tool and a reminder to walk in our truths even though it is not always easy. These are the stories that unite and empower us, reminding us that we are not alone in our quest to be and bring about the change that we wish to see in the world. Love and gratitude to these 10 courageous leaders for shining their light and sharing their truth with the world. This book was life-affirming for me and could not have come into my world at a better time,” Susan Neva.
“A life-affirming read. This book is amazing – poignant, vulnerable, provocative, endearing, and wholly relatable. Kudos to the authors who share their very personal stories of struggle and strength, heartbreak and joy. As I finished reading this book, I felt enlightened, empowered, and hopeful that no matter how or when I may lose my way, there is a path to redemption and even bliss. And I now know I can find it,” H. Hotchkiss.
Interested in becoming a certified ThetaHealer? Julie McAfee is also offering a related class in DNA ThetaHealing techniques. Course takes place December 4, 5, 6, 2015, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. at TBD Telluride location.
The crux of the seminar is learning to clear life patterns and beliefs that no longer serve and replacing these limiting beliefs or feelings with positive ones. The practice can quickly reveal systems of belief that might take traditional psychotherapy years to uncover. You will activate in your DNA the youth/vitality chromosome, manifesting, work with guides/guardian angels, balancing seretonin/noradrenaline, future readings, soul mates, pulling heavy metals, radiation and the protocols for healing a great variety of conditions and diseases…. and much more.
To register call 970-708-0437.
More from Between the Covers:
Saturday, December 19, 4:30-6 p.m., après-ski at Between the Covers. Join us for a posthumous book launch party for David Glynn’s finished novel “If There Were Courage: A Walk on the Good Red Road.” Doris and Crystal will be there in his stead and everyone will toast his life and the achievement of publishing, unfortunately, just one book.
Sunday, December 30, 3:30 – 6:30 p.m., Telluride local and author Susan Dalton signs her new train book about the Silverton-Durango Railroad, “Durango: A Silver Past, A Golden Future,” which promises to be as beautiful as her first book: “Telluride: A Silver Past, A Golden Future,” still available (and also a great Christmas present) at Between the Covers.
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