31 Oct ALACAZEM 2015.10.29
October 29 to November 5, 2015 Visible planets: Morning: Mercury,Venus,Mars,Jupiter Evening: Saturn
Boo! It’s Halloween, when the veil between the worlds grows thin. Spirits have been arriving now for weeks, and tonight it’s time to play!
I love Halloween. The spontaneity, fun and frolic of this mid-autumn holiday is forever a delight. And everyone is game if they are willing to open their eyes, hearts and senses to the magic and mystery available at this potent, “potions” time of year. Metaphysical gateways open. The hallowed halls of souls and spirits romp and rollick. We can touch the ethereal and embrace the invisible.
Samhain [pronounced SAH-win or SOW-in] is a Gaelic {Irish, Scottish, Celtic} festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, or “darker half” of the year. Traditionally, Samhain is celebrated from sunset on October 31 to sunset on November 1. It is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals, all of which take place on or near one of the year’s four cross-quarter days, the four days halfway between spring or autumn equinox and summer or winter solstice.
Samhain is believed to have pagan origins and it has been an important time of celebration since antiquity. Cattle and sheep were brought back down from high summer pastures and livestock were slaughtered for winter. Special bonfires were lit for their protective and cleansing powers, fire rituals were common and diverse.
Samhain, like its yearly opposite holiday Beltane in early May, was seen as a “liminal” holiday, when spirits and fairies could more easily come into our three-dimensional world. The souls of the dead were also thought to revisit their homes and loved ones. Feast tables were set with places for those who had passed on and they were invited and beckoned to attend via prayer, frolic and ritual. Offerings of food and drink were set out for souls crossing in the night.
In the 9th Century A.D. the Early Catholic Church shifted the date of All Saints Day to November 1, while November 2 later became All Souls Day. Today the fabulously colorful Mexican holiday celebration and honoring of death – la dia de los muertos (aka the Day of the Dead) – takes place as well on November 2. Wow!
So, here’s to all the traditions, festivities and gatherings – as well as the spirits and souls – that take place during this oh so very special time of year. Light your fire and set your table. Trick and treat, make calls to heaven and invite loved ones back into your life. The wild and magical mystery of the invisible and visible, the demonic and divine; the bridge between life and afterlife is here. Happy Halloween!
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) A sweet Cancer Moon on Halloween may find you sharing cookies, candy and trick-or-treats with family and loved ones, or simply enjoying the cozy comfort of your home sweet home. A rather emotional Moon-Pluto-Uranus square the next day may have you feeling insecure or uncertain about the future. Don’t worry or do anything disruptive. Take it easy and relax. Venus and Mars conjoin in Virgo on Monday. All is well.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) The Scorpio zodiac month reiterates and refocuses a theme that has been the primary factor – perhaps the most influential factor – for the last two years: partners and mates. Whether or not you are married, in a committed relationship, divorced or single, relationships have been a major issue. This week, Mars and Venus join force in your solar 5th house of the heart. As usual, love is the answer.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) Venus and Mars embrace this week in your solar 4th house of the home and family, shining light upon domestic environments and the people with whom you share space and life. You may find yourself taking care of a parent, child or friend. Love, affection, health and nurturing are themes. Do the best you can when at work or in service. You are in a position to do great things, things others cannot.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) Love planet Venus and fire-desire Mars come together in Virgo on la dia de los muertos – the Day of the Dead – promising you a fun-filled, rock-and-roll weekend with spirits of every shape and size. Halloween opens the door on three days of tricks and treats. Creativity, romance and laughter abound, tap into your heart and let the good times roll. Be wise when it comes to indulgence: too much candy will make you sick!
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) As the Sun moves into reclusive Scorpio you may feel great gratitude for a secure domestic life and comfortable home. When cold winds blow and darkness reigns, there is nothing like a crackling fire and cozy couch to make you feel safe and sound. That said, prepare for winter. Halloween and the days that follow put you in the drivers seat regarding love. Put on your most seductive smile and follow your heart.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Yes, life is busy and, at times, hectic. Opportunities for expansion and growth abound. You may feel as if you are riding a fast-moving train, but the good news is you are truly out of the doldrums and into the happy, cheerful world of accomplishment and favor. Smile, laugh and nurture gratitude. This week, great things come your way. Cultivate humility in the face of success. Enjoy the joy.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) Halloween, All Saints Day and All Souls Day present you with the perfect time to check in with soul and spirit. What lies hidden deep inside you? What have you buried or neglected? Are you in denial or delusion? Positive attitudes and actions are golden, powerful allies in a warp-speed world of multi-faceted potential and possibility. Illuminate inner chasms with spirit-light and discover long-lost treasure.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) Your happy birthday month continues as candles are lit and cakes are cut. As you celebrate another revolution around the Sun, take some time to look within and without. Mercury now in Scorpio gives you plenty of food for thought, mental acuity is at a peak. Pick up a journal, record ideas and communicate desires. Friends and common interests fuel action and inspire creativity. Dream the dream, seize the day.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) Witches, ghosts, fairies and spirits abound as the veil between the worlds grows thin. Chasms and caverns of mystery and magic abound. Whether you choose to dress up or walk in darkness as yourself, there is plenty of fun and frolic. You’re in the perfect place to explore alternate realities, past life karma and a variety of spooky realms. Contact guardian angels for guidance and protection. They are there to help.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) The waning Hunters Moon rises late, making Halloween extra dark and mysterious. Keep your eyes open for witches in the night and tricksters in the daylight. It’s a time for pranks and pranksters, a metaphysical weekend of shimmering ghosts and giggling goblins. If there is someone who now walks in the world of spirit that would like to contact, do so. Invisible forces abound. Light a candle, say a prayer and follow the light.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) You may find yourself caught up in management projects, professional activities and work responsibilities as Halloween spooks come knocking. Open the door and let them in, it’s time to have some fun. The Gaelic calendar marks this time of year as the end of harvest and beginning of winter. Light Samhain fires and contact spirits. Meanwhile, Mars and Venus deepen intimacy and evoke passion. Surrender to love.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Mystical Fish swim in the etheric waters of mystery and magic this week as Samhain fires burn and spirits walk between the worlds. Invisible realms beckon those willing to explore quantum physical possibilities and potential. Are you willing? Meanwhile, Venus and Mars couple up in Virgo, your solar 7th house of sharing and pairing, stimulating romance and awakening passion. Light the fire, enjoy the heat.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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