17 Oct ALACAZEM 2015.10.15
October 15 to 22, 2015 Visible planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter Evening: Saturn
Here we are, mid-October. My garlic order arrived on Friday, the weather has changed and I feel pressure to plant. But what about the tomatoes still on the vine, the cucumbers, eggplant and peppers? Onions will be okay if it frosts, but everything else will suffer. Heat in our little visqueen greenhouse? And my basil. Time to bring it inside…
Every year is different, and this one has blessed us with a super-sweet, extended frost-free window for ripening all those temperature vulnerable crops. The days have been gloriously warm and the nights, though cool, have been accommodating. But now, it’s time to make the move. Time to shift into overdrive and put the pedal to the metal.
Thus, my column introduction this week is short. I love October and all its magic. Mutation, transformation, metamorphosis. I feel it, I embrace it. I can feel the spirits moving, and the veil between the worlds grows thin. Oh yes, and thank goodness for the pumpkins. They’ll be fine outside or inside ‘til Halloween.
Blessings, peace and starlight. May your harvest be full and merry.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) With Mercury now direct in early degree Libra, you may feel as if important relationships are finally back on track and moving forward. Communication improves along with attitudes. Personally, however, you may have been thrown backwards in some way or another. Uranus retrograde in Aries returns you to repeating themes of patience and acceptance, forcing you to calm down, slow down and live each day as it comes. Hang in there.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) The heavens are loaded with planets in Virgo and Libra right now, focusing energy on issues of health, service and relationship. Other people are playing major roles in your life these days, influencing decisions and more or less telling you what to do. Of course, the Bull is not easy to move and you may find yourself resisting when they push too hard. Of course, your heart knows what to do. Feel and follow your heart.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) With the Sun and ruler Mercury now direct in Libra, your solar 5th house of the heart, you may feel the magnificent beauty and bounty of life sparkling all around you. Blazing colors awaken spirit and beckon romance. Fun and fantasy tempt and entice you outside while home and family matters remain a priority. Balance work with play as you embrace the metaphysical mysteries of autumn. It’s all about magic.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) Uranus retrograde in Aries may have you re-working career direction, responsibilities and rewards. Non-traditional occupations and unconventional professions are more attractive as you recognize the value of personal freedom. Changes are on the horizon but right now it’s best to stay the course and finish the job, as crazy or demanding as it may be. Busy, busy. Enjoy your home and family.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) With Venus, Mars and Jupiter so close in Virgo, your solar 2nd house of self-reliance, you find satisfaction, pleasure and reward in things and activities you can do yourself. While Leos love attention and companionship, today you understand how precious and important it is to live a life based on values that work for you rather than someone else. That said, respect others and focus on balance in relationships.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Motivated Mars and generous Jupiter conjoin in Virgo this week, opening doors and expanding opportunities. Love planet Venus lingers behind, promising great rewards to those who practice kindness, maintain healthy boundaries and keep the ball rolling when it comes to work, service and self-improvement. Make sure you don’t overdo or overwhelm yourself with duties and responsibilities. Rest and relax.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) As we move through the last week of Libra, take stock of where you are in life. Your birthday month is perennially a time to evaluate, consider and contemplate your happiness and wellness quotient, the quality of your commitments and whether or not you are involved in productive, creative work. As one who tends toward sharing and pairing, it’s important to put yourself first once in a while. That time is now.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) Virgo loves Scorpio and with sweet Venus, masculine Mars and jovial Jupiter moving through your 11th house of hopes and wishes, get ready for a week of creative inspiration and romantic opportunity. Much of this comes in quiet places and sacred spaces, via moments of grace and acts of kindness. Honesty and authenticity are essential ingredients in the mix; avoid superficial people and artificial façades.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) Love planet Venus in opposition to idealistic Neptune challenges you to examine the importance of family and career, come to terms with recurring wanderlust and determine whether or not you are sacrificing a good relationship for a beautiful dream. Take a sensible approach and utilize the creative, compassionate inspiration of this aspect to communicate feelings, listen to others, find balance and cultivate peace.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) Venus, Mars and Jupiter dance together in fellow earth-sign Virgo this week, uplifting spirit and encouraging exploration, expansion and growth. You may find it difficult to stay home or inside as celestial energy beckons discovery. Open your mind and heart to the power, potential and possibilities of our world and universe. Happy thoughts and attitudes of gratitude bring great reward. Take the high road.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) As the Libra zodiac month draws to a close and autumn spirits rise, take note of where your heart is. Inner work and humility promise inner peace and outer calm. As others look to you for direction and guidance, practice the art of compassion. You are deeply invested in endeavors that require help, you simply cannot do it all yourself. Keep a positive attitude and treat everyone with respect. For the good of all concerned.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Cultivate patience and take time to smell the roses as romantically inclined Venus opposes dreamy Neptune in your sign. You may feel inspired and hopeful regarding others, softhearted and willing to sacrifice selfish desires for a deeper, greater cause. The next day, Mars conjoins Jupiter in Virgo and relationships heat back up. Follow your intuition and focus on wise action rather than idealistic illusion.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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