04 Sep ALACAZEM 2015.09.03
September 3 to 10, 2015 Visible planets: Morning: Venus, Mars Evening: Mercury, Saturn
Today, driving back home from running to Norwood for carryout pizza, I was overcome with the beauty of the countryside surrounding me. The vast mesa, with its big ranches and crisscross wire fences, stretched out on all sides around me. Freshly cut hay fields glimmered blonde and green beneath the western setting Sun, the edges of each hayfield lined with tall swaying grass, heavy with seed, grass that escaped the sharp blades of the hay cutter, catching the light and shining bright, like so many roads lined with gold.
I suddenly felt deep and overwhelming gratitude for the ranching families that have lived here for generations and held on to their land, raised cattle, horses and sheep, kept chickens, tended gardens, canned food and did whatever it took to survive and thrive. They have preserved this rural mountain settlement, like it or not, with its slow pace and laid back atmosphere, maintained the pastoral geography and kept the old, western style and vanishing lifestyle alive.
On this faraway, high mountain mesa, located between the red rock deserts of Utah and the mineral-rich Colorado San Juans, we watch the Sun and Moon rise and set, planets track across the sprawling, blue-black canopy of deep space and a shimmering sea of stars illuminates even the darkest nights with starlight.
How fortunate I am to be here, to live in this little corner of the world, where the old west hangs on like a cowboy on a bronc, one hand on the saddle and the other one wild and free, for balance. Yes, I am lucky and blessed to be here. Here on Earth, where water flows and oxygen is abundant. On land that once housed dinosaurs, tropical flora and fauna, oceans and volcanoes, I now see eagles, hawks and ravens. Mountain bluebirds arrive each spring, build their nests, raise families and vanish south to Mexico in autumn. Badgers and coyotes hunt the fields for prairie dogs and elk, deer, cougars, lynx and bears stalk the forests.
We are close to nature here. We can feel the heartbeat of the Mother Earth, we hear her breathe and sigh. The Father Sky embraces her with rain and snow, awakens her with lightening, thunder rumbles and rivers roar. And then, the peace and quiet. Is this what’s known as grace? Something, a state of being that comes to us as a gift, a condition or experience that transcends our everyday 3D reality and opens the door to spirit?
As we move through the first week of September and the second week of the Virgo zodiac month, I cannot help but feel the transitional, mutable quality of these days and nights. This time of year is all about transformation, adjusting to the changing moods and landscapes of the weather and countryside, as well as our own. Metamorphosis is the name of the game and somewhere, amidst it all, is the awareness that we are also changing. And with that awareness, we know in our hearts we want to be better, kinder and gentler to ourselves and others, more compassionate and forgiving, stronger, smarter, richer…healthier, more spiritual. We feel the Virgo desire for self-improvement and in the process, for improving our world. One smile, one thought, one word, one prayer, one act, one day and one night at a time.
Here’s to grace, gratitude and all those country roads lined with gold. Blessings, peace and starlight.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) On the heels of an in-body/out-of-body full super-Moon, count blessings and breathe deep with satisfaction of successfully moving through another rather emotional week. Not one who likes to sit around and wait for others to take action, you may find yourself ready to take action yourself. Uranus in your sign has blown apart a variety of dysfunctional behaviors and relationships. Today, right action is the golden key.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) Big news this week comes with a Sun-Pluto trine and the forward station of Venus. Both support and encourage the calm, steadfast character and energy of the Bull, especially when it comes to getting things done. Tackle tasks you’ve put off for good reason, relax in the work and shine with accomplishment. Love at home and the beauty you’ve created there are stellar. Enjoy the bounty as you prepare for change.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) Money and love planet Venus resumes forward motion this week, ending a 6-week period of retrograde. Value systems, relationships and even your sense and definition of beauty has been re-examined and re-assessed. Over the coming days and weeks, you will have many golden opportunities to implement these new understandings and insights to create a more beautiful, fulfilling life. Good luck!
Cancer (June 20-July 22) The relatively recent full Virgo-Pisces super Moon brought issues of love, money and spirit to a head, shining light on personal values and desires. Now you are ready to move forward, pursue a plan of action and work steadfastly toward your goals. And there is no better time to initiate action than the September 12th solar eclipse-new Moon in Virgo. From now until then, consider what you want and get ready to go forth.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) The forward station of Venus in your sign this week is a beautiful thing, a very good reason to celebrate the love in your life and the beauty all around you. The last six weeks may have felt like you were moving backwards regarding romance and finance, now you can look forward to a veritable reversal of fortune, a time when things proceed and come to fruition. Just remember to be kind and sweet. It’s all-good.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Happy birthdays continue, candles are lit and cakes are cut. Life is good and you are blessed, even with all the busy-ness, controlled chaos and calculated creative challenges. Others see you as competent and complementary, someone with insight, ingenuity and good intention. Don’t worry or try to dissect the great good fortune and good vibrations surrounding you now. Just be yourself, do your best and let the Universe do the rest.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) Your ruling planet Venus – planet of love, peace and beauty – resumes forward motion following a productive, uplifting Sun-Pluto trine, putting a lovely shine and shimmer on everything you touch. Smile and go with the sweetness, you have nothing to lose. Also this week, the happy trine of Mars-Uranus in fire ignites passion and promotes freedom. Pursue what you want and love the ones you’re with.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) Good luck, good fortune and the golden opportunity to get what you have wanted to get done for weeks comes your way as planets align in a positive, productive configuration of organized, hard-working ambition and accomplishment. Just remember to be sweet and happy, smile and laugh. You have so many gifts, talents and abilities, as well as the knowledge of what you want and how to proceed. Go forth.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) Two supportive, uplifting, energetic planetary trines take place this week, providing the Archer with a variety of choices and opportunities to finish, start or continue taking care of exactly what needs to be taken care of. You are in a fortunate position of leadership these days, directing the show, making the choices and decisions. Not always what you want, but what it is. Just relax and do it right, no worries. You know exactly what to do.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) The down-to-earth Virgo Sun trines secretive, seductive Pluto in Capricorn, Venus goes direct in Leo and Mars trines Uranus in fire. This translates as a very positive, potentially productive week of personal power and charisma, a time when you can pretty much do and get whatever you want. The only challenge, open your heart and follow its wisdom. Love and compassion are essential ingredients for success. Enjoy the joy.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) As love and money planet Venus goes direct in your solar 7th house of partnership and marriage, you might start planning your honeymoon or thinking about who you’d like to take, where you want to go and what you would like to do on your next vacation. Hard work continues, and you can get tons of stuff done now, so don’t stop. It’s just a good time to remember that all work and no play is a recipe for unhappiness.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) The first week of September arrives with plenty of pomp and circumstance, natural beauty and earthly bounty. Take a moment and look around. How did you get so lucky? Good health is a happy ally in your life’s journey, take good care of your body, mind and spirit as you travel the road of happy destiny and you will never regret it. Your great compassion has helped the world tremendously. Know you are loved and keep the faith.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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