July 2015

Yoga is the movement from one point to another, higher one, “The Heart of Yoga," Desikachar. Tickets/passes for Telluride Yoga Festival here. Two hours. Seven poses. And everyone in the room, including my husband and I, left feeling nurtured and totally relaxed. [caption id="attachment_51835" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Ansley Herndon[/caption] Even those addicted...

Look up the words "hot shot" and up pops a number of disparate definitions. A private hauler, usually with a 1-ton pickup and a double or triple-axle trailer, who will haul anything anywhere for a premium price. A high-priority freight train. A liquid of high alcoholic proof which, when ingested...

Please scroll down to bottom of post to hear an interview with Denise Druce. Tickets/passes for the Telluride Yoga Festival here. [caption id="attachment_51754" align="aligncenter" width="258"] Yoga instructor Denise Druce taught at Telluride WOW Fest, returns to Telluride Yoga Festival.[/caption] Full disclosure: I was a  Telluride WOW virgin until...

Ride Fest kicks off with free concert in Mountain Village; Gondola hours extended. Two bands, Ayron Jones and The Way and The Temperance Movement, will take center stage for an evening of rock and roll in Mountain Village on Friday, July 10. As part of The...

When your 74-year old father-in-law calls to say he wants to spend some time with your kids this summer, you’re thinking the beach. Or maybe a visit back East. Possibly, Disneyland. What you’re not thinking is that he wants to shoulder a backpack and hike...

TMVOA  2015 Sunset Concert Series continues, featuring The Delta Saints. Next up The Brothers Comatose, and more. Through August 19, Sunset Plaza in Mountain Village. See full schedule below. Now in its 16th year, the free outdoor live music series overlooking the scenic valley continues with Nashville rock ‘n’ rollers...

Scroll down to the bottom of this post to hear an interview with Peter Sterios [caption id="attachment_51967" align="aligncenter" width="204"] Peter Sterios[/caption] Tickets/passes here. Day to day, do our actions on this earth have significance and therefore weight? Or is it all much ado about nothing? Do our actions have...

July 2 to 9, 2015  Visible planets: Morning: Mercury   Evening: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn It’s hard to believe it’s already the 4th of July. Wow! Time is moving at warp speed and it seems like everyone is busy, busy, busy. Busy at work, busy on vacation, busy...

“Sianna provides vital teachings for today’s yoga culture. She is able to bridge the gap of heart-centered teaching, an honoring of spirit and a mastery of the technical. Her deep well of knowledge is a gift for students throughout the world.” In Gratitude, Yoshi Aono,...

Ed. Note: Also see TIO's review of "All is Lost" from the 2013 TFF. “All Is Lost" is part of Telluride Film Festival Cinematheque at the Wilkinson Public Library, "Grand Adventures” series “A bold, gripping thriller,” Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian The Telluride Film Festival and Wilkinson Public Library are...