31 Jul ALACAZEM 2015.07.30
July 30 to August 6, 2015 Visible planets: Morning: none Evening: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter
“The phrase “once in a blue moon” dates back 400 years and originally meant a rare of dubious event. In the 19th century, a Farmers’ Almanac editor used a blue pencil to circle the date of the fourth Full Moon occurring within a season, which eventually led to an “extra” Full Moon in a month being called a “Blue Moon.” In reality, Blue Moons are not that rare; two Full Moons fall within one calendar month every two to three years. The occurrence of a Blue Moon is due to the structure of our calendar and is not astrologically significant, but has gained attention through widespread repetition, This illustrates the theme of this Full Moon: how the power of individual intention and the force of the collective consciousness combine to create our reality.”
– Stephanie Austin, The Mountain Astrologer, June/July 2015
Thus, we open our eyes, mind and heart to an unusually potent Full “blue” Moon in the early morning hours of July 31, 2015, not so much because of it being the second Full Moon in the July calendar month, but because of the combined energy of the collective notion and feeling that a blue Moon is an unusual, ominous celestial event, and the fact that this particular blue Moon takes place in the power-packed Leo-Aquarius polarity, the polarity linking individual heart and head with the collective heart and head. The cosmic door of mass mind and heart opens to the individual mental, social, emotional and spiritual mind and heart within and we realize we are One.
It is a time of “entrainment” that calibrates the individual heartbeat to the collective heartbeat.
Good luck and may the courage and heart of the Lion and the genius and humanity of the Waterbearer be with us All. Happy July “Blue” Moon!
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) On August 1, 2015 Master Teacher Saturn ends its yearly retrograde cycle, which began on March 14, 2015 at 05° Sagittarius. Saturn forces us to reassess limits and boundaries, accept responsibility for our actions, circumstances and relationships, set realistic goals and work diligently toward manifesting them. The last months have been a period of review, now it’s time to move forward. Perseverance furthers.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) You’ll be happy to hear that Task Master Saturn turns direct on August 1st in your solar 7th house of important relationships. This heralds the end to a long period of reassessment, review, restructure and rehabilitation regarding others. And in step with several other planetary aspects, the stars align in a major shift from stasis to progress. Reach for the sky, keep your feet on the ground and stay on the path.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) July’s second Full Moon takes place on the 31st in the early degrees of the Leo-Aquarius polarity, one of the year’s two “party” moons. Leo is the sign most associated with fun, romance and creativity while Aquarius seeks collaboration and inspiration from the collective. This translates as a signpost for honoring our common humanity while contributing our individual gifts, light and love to the world.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) A July “blue” Moon comes to fruition on the last day of the month, shining light into the heart and soul of Moonchildren worldwide. You may feel personally illuminated and romantically inspired as a combination of planetary energy kicks in this week to uplift and redirect your course of action and pace of accomplishment. Good choices and personal responsibility are powerful allies now. Do your best and enjoy the rest.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) Personal agendas and desires are illuminated this week as the Leo-Aquarius full Moon lights up matters of partnership, marriage and commitment. The people with whom you share your life, romantically and otherwise, step forward with feedback about your place and space in relationship. Meanwhile Saturn moves forward regarding homelife, children and family. Open your eyes and heart to the new and different.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Benevolent, good luck Jupiter enters your sign on August 11th, shifting its expansive focus from fiery Leo creativity to earthy Virgo pragmatism. This influence lasts until September 2016 and gives strong favor to simplicity, discernment and self-improvement. It’s an extremely powerful year to clean up messes from the past and move into healthier, happier realms of living and being. Focus on positive solutions and keep the faith.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) The July 31st Leo-Aquarius full Moon favors romance and conviviality. The forward station of Saturn in neighboring Scorpio August 1st indicates a subtle but major change regarding personal will and desire. As you’ve been thinking and re-thinking your modus operandi, what you’ve signed up for and how you’ve loaded your wagon, you know choices are awesome, powerful acts of manifestation. Make wise choices.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) Planet Saturn, Master of Karma, stations direct at 28° Scorpio the day after the July 31st full “blue” Moon. This translates as a powerful shift of awareness, intention and direction regarding personal desires, agendas and will. It’s time to get super-serious about what you want to manifest in life. Knowing what you want – realistically! – is the first big step to getting it. Keep an open mind and heart, do the work, stay the course.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) You may find yourself suddenly involved with something or someone you thought had left or disappeared, vanished from your life. Funny how karma comes back to reward, bite or haunt us. The good news is you are more prepared to deal with the relationship that you were in the past. Positive solutions and practical actions are winning teammates. Communicate, explore and discover. Just remember to keep it real.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) A convivial, romantically infused full Moon takes place at month’s end, opening hearts and stimulating engagement. You understand the powerful influence and responsibility you have in your own life, which is an incredible gift. Many blame others, give away their power and become victims. Today you stand strong in this knowledge and can act accordingly. Release fears and falsities that may hold you back.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Welcome to a week of shape-shifting awakening and awareness. Game-changing events require a new set of plans and roster of options. Consider the players and who you want on the team. Summer shimmers while autumn beckons. Meanwhile, things are coming to fruition. Keep your eyes on the prize, but don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Focus, patience and perseverance are allies. One day at a time.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) The upcoming Leo-Aquarius full Moon puts you somewhat in the center of the circle when it comes to family and friends. Angelic forces encourage engagement while a call to service opens your heart. Doing what you can to help while maintaining a good set of healthy boundaries is key to success. Positive attitudes and solutions, combined with realistic actions, prove effective. Do what you can, then let it go.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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