04 Jun Telluride Playwright Fest: Woolly Mammoth Comes to Town
This year, the Telluride Playwrights Festival has upped its game by inviting acting, directing, and playwright members of the innovative Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company to come and use Telluride as a theatrical testing stage for groundbreaking new work.
The relationship is a win win: this major company gets to play far from the critical glare of a large city; Telluride gets the chance to take a peek into the workings of one of America’s most successful and respected theatre companies. Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company has been surprising and shocking Washington D.C. audiences for 35 years with their award-winning productions of new plays and daring, provocative work.
New plays premiered at Woolly Mammoth have been produced from New York to London to Helsinki, in more than 200 theatres in 39 states and 12 countries. Woolly plays have gone on to extended runs Off-Broadway and productions at a wide variety of regional theatres.
SPARKy Productions has been producing the Telluride Playwrights Festival since 2006.
The Festival started at the Ah Haa School for just one night and has grown to three nights, plus daytime readings and talks at the Sheridan Opera House. The festival works on new plays that are work-shopped during the week and then presented to an audience in the form of dynamic stage readings. Afterwards, audience members gets to participate by offering their opinions and feedback directly to the playwright.
Plays that are incubated and ‘SPARKed’ in Telluride, if they’re lucky, go on to productions in larger cities all over the country. In prior years plays first read at the festival have seen productions in New York, Detroit, Denver, Bloomington, and Chicago, all under the banner of “Made in Telluride.”
The Telluride Playwrights Festival has steadily been gaining a national reputation of a one-of-a-kind theatre festival dedicated to incubating important American plays far from the critical glare of a large city. New creative works get to flourish in seclusion of the San Juan Mountains.
The Festival offers opportunities to mature young people interested in learning and having a career in the theatre.
For more information on volunteering and workshop opportunities go to www.playwrightsfestival.org
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