06 Jun ALACAZEM 2015.06.04
June 4 to 11, 2015 Visible planets: Morning: Mercury Evening: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn
It’s pouring rain and I’m thinking about the Chamber Day Celebration planned for today in Norwood. There’s a free pancake breakfast, a community yard sale and a pulled pork BBQ lunch at the Community Center in town. In Telluride, it’s Huck Finn Day, with festivities in the Town Park, including wagon rides with Roudy, my favorite local cowboy and very vocal proponent regarding the woes of Mercury retrograde. Today is no doubt going to be one he puts in the top 10.
Roudy loves to call me and leave messages on the answer phone about Mercury retrograde. And they are always classic examples, for sure, of what can, and does, go wrong during these three times a year, three-week periods of apparent backward planetary motion.
And how about the wild tornadoes, torrential rain, golf ball and baseball sized hail along the Front Range up north near Boulder, Berthoud and Longmont? As a little girl, I remember asking my Mother about tornadoes after she took us to see The Wizard of Oz at the Paramount Theatre in downtown Denver. It wasn’t the scary Wicked Witch of the West that gave me nightmares, it was the raging tornado that lifted Dorothy’s little farmhouse up off the ground and landed it on top of another wicked witch in a land far, far away from her home and family in Kansas.
My Mother wisely calmed my fears. “Don’t worry, honey. The Colorado Rocky Mountains keep the tornadoes away from us here in Denver. They protect us and keep us safe.” From that day forward, I loved the Rocky Mountains.
The rain is still pounding and I see there are flash flood warnings out on the Channel 9 News weather app on my iPhone for SW Colorado and SE Utah. My plans for the day have changed. I’ve canceled on the yard sale, notified my friend Marilyn – who said, “Maybe they’ll take a rain check” when I called her this morning – and have started a fire in our wood stove. There are plenty of things for me to do inside. You know, all those things I’ve put off while the weather was good and outside gardening projects beckoned. C’est la vie. I’ll just be glad I don’t have to go anywhere, enjoy the dramatic weather and bless the rain.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) If you find yourself returning to old patterns of thinking and behaving, don’t be surprised. Mercury retrograde – along with several other planets – in your solar 3rd house of thoughts and communication pulls you back to days and ways of living and being that may or not be who or what you find appealing today. The past is a magical mirror of reflection and direction. Move forward in the wisdom of its light.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) Sweet Venus enters flamboyant, romantic Leo on June 5th and lights a five-week fire of passion inside your heart and home. Whether it’s love for children, grandchildren, parents or other family members, you may find yourself reflecting upon childhood memories and experiences that actually deepen your feelings and appreciation for what you have today. Stay on track regarding chores and responsbilities. Get ‘er done!
Gemini (May 20-June 20) The last week of ruler Mercury retrograde in Gemini awards you with plenty of opportunities for cleaning up, fixing up, organizing and taking care of whatever needs to be taken care of. Most of this stuff is personal stuff, things you or want to do anyway, so there are tons of rewards and self-gratification in the process. Go ahead and be selfish, put yourself and your projects first. You’ll be glad you did.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) Love planet Venus gives a quick hug to Saturn in Sagittarius as she passes from five weeks of Cancer into Leo, blows you kisses and waves goodbye. Well, it was nice while it lasted, but there were also plenty of bumps along the way. Looking back, everything turned out in your favor, and it’s all good. Now you face the warming, happy days of summer. Tend your garden, enjoy the heat and count your blessings.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) With the Sun, Mars and [the last week of] Mercury retrograde in Gemini, there has to be plenty of retro action in your life regarding old friends and associates. Whether it’s Facebook, phone calls, letters, coincidental encounters or a planned trip to childhood haunts and homes, chances are you are living and breathing memories and feelings, reflecting upon where you are today in light of the past. Take it all in.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) If you find yourself reviving or reliving the past and regretting your choices, stop right now. Where you were got you to where you are today and it’s exactly where you are supposed to be. The past is a magical navigational tool. It is a golden treasure chest of gems and jewels, especially for you. Every day begins anew. There are solutions to every problem. Simply do your best and let the Universe take care of the rest.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) With ruler Venus entering Leo for a five-week stay, open your heart to friends and lovers, lovers and friends. It may sound corny, but dare to be corny! Tell the people you love you love them; show up with flowers, do something outrageously romantic. Tap into that inner child and have fun, explore your neighborhood and laugh as much as possible. And take the high road whenever possible. The veiw is superb.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) If you’re familiar with Mercury retrograde, you may know this rather contrary, tricky three-week period is known for mechanical breakdowns, communication glitches and travel problems. Good news is it favors returning to wherever you have been and whatever you have started. So, have at it. There are plenty of things you can turn to and take care of, including what you’ve postponed. Do what you need to.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) Relationship issues continue as a priority and focus this week, so stay the course and finish the job. Whether it’s helping someone relocate, move or relocating yourself, chances are it’s a plan that has been in the works for quite some time. The last week of Mercury retrograde promises great reward to those willing to honor a commitment and hang in until the end. Challenges offer the greatest rewards. Yes.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) As June begins and summer beckons, you may find yourself reminising about your deepest, most meaningful relationships. Venus in Leo is rather sentimental, and your solar 8th house of intimate sharing and hidden desire is where she happens to be traveling. With the last week of Mercury retrograde also at work, it’s the perfect time for compassion and forgiveness regarding past loves. Follow your heart.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) A combination of past memories and present feelings combine in a sweet mix of relationship appreciation and improvement as sweet Venus enters your solar 7th house of pairing and sharing for a five-week stay. And with the last week of Mercury retrograde moving through your solar 5th house of love and romance, what better time to make amends, calm the waters and enjoy the present?
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) The last and final week of Mercury retrograde in your solar 4th house of home and family awards you with everything you need to finish up unfinished domestic projects, tie up personal lo0se ends and prepare yourself for the, upcoming and busy month of June. Enjoy the somewhat retro energy of these days; redefine the present and revision the future. Good luck and may the Force be with you!
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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