03 Apr ALACAZEM 2015.04.02
April 2 to 9, 2015 Visible planets: Morning: Saturn Evening: Venus, Mars, Jupiter
The April 4th lunar eclipse* in Aries-Libra is the third of four total lunar eclipses in a row, a relatively rare astronomical event known as a lunar tetrad. The last lunar tetrad was in 2003-2004; the next one will be in 2032-2033. And five more lunar tetrads will take place in the 21st century. By comparison, however, and in contrast to these eight lunar tetrads – a wildly large number – there was not one lunar tetrad in the years 1582 to 1908.
In classical astrology eclipses are, and have always been, celestial touchstones. And having four lunar eclipses in a row is exponentially significant. It’s like living on a super generator-receptor crystal of ultra-violet rainbow light. There are signs and omens all around. Metaphysical energies emanate via electromagnetic waves rippling throughout the cosmos. Solar and lunar gravitational pulls manifest in the year’s most extreme high and low oceanic tides. Animal and plant life on the planet are also affected, but the effects may appear less extreme, more subtle, even invisible. But what goes on inside and outside of limited human visibility is another story.
These days and times are sort of like walking on a volcanic magma flow. Feet are burning and it’s hard to breathe. There is no solid ground. We are flying through time and space, spiraling through galaxies, nomads in an infinite Universe of boundless power and unlimited potential. As it was, and as it is. Eternal and ever-changing, forever and ever… and we are here. Today.
The total solar eclipse of March 20th at the very last and final degree of numinous Pisces was the birthing lunation for the April 4th [@6:05am MDT] Aries-Libra [@14°24’] total lunar eclipse. What came to life then has taken shape, what was awakened then is now manifest. What is being illuminated today grew from seeds planted in the fertile, supernatural soil of the zodiac’s most spiritually evolved sign. It is here, in these last degrees, that the soul becomes one with all that is and ever shall be, melts in compassion and embraces forgiveness. It is love and loving-kindness, the living Buddha and the living Christ.
The April 4th Aries-Libra full Moon lunar eclipse asks all of us to move from Aries primal instinct, self-will and base desire to Libra balance, peace and beauty. It counsels us to take pause and smell the roses, relax and cultivate serenity in ourselves and harmony in our relationships. Libra stands between Virgo servitude and Scorpio demand. It lives and breathes equality and justice, but like Aries, it is a cardinal sign, and is therefore an active, positive, aggressive energy. Like the “iron fist in the velvet glove” it will not give in without a fight.
There is beauty, there is peace and there is love, but we must seek it. Touch the stone, find the crystal, live the dream.
*This eclipse should be visible in southwestern Colorado at moonset, in the hour just before dawn. Look for a “blood Moon” setting low upon the western horizon.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) The April 4th full Moon total lunar eclipse @ 14°24’ Aries reiterates the familiar themes that have been with you now for weeks, months and years. The difference comes via understanding just how important you are in your own life, i.e. how everything you do and say comes back in one way or another. Beauty, accountability, responsibility, credibility, happiness, health, wealth and freedom – it’s all up to you.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) With Venus and Mars now moving through Taurus, you may be feeling both motivated to achieve and at peace with what you have. You see the value of pursing goals via steadfast action, but also understand just how precious the most basic things in life are to happiness, health and well-being. This week’s eclipse energy illuminates the connection between spirit and matter, body and soul. Take good care of both.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) Springtime provides examples and generates emotions of rebirth and renewal. As the Mother Earth is reborn in shades of green, you cannot help but feel the powerful surge of new life upon the planet. Resurrection and redemption are themes, body and soul. Angelic presence and divine force dance amidst the season’s warming soils and first fragile flowers. Embrace the energy and ride the wave. Revive, renew, rejoice.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) The April 4th full Moon is the third of four total lunar eclipses in a row – called a lunar tetrad – and will be most visible in the hour before dawn. As a bona fide “moonchild” you are energetically, cosmically in tune with the phases and stages of la Luna. Eclipses are powerful touchstones and provide us with the cosmically charged, illuminating light of the magical, metaphysical Holy Spirit. Watch, look and listen.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) As the Aries zodiac month continues to uplift and inspire you, count your blessings and follow your lucky stars. The Mother Earth and Father Sky provide us with food and water, materials for home and shelter, shimmering rainbows, magnificent sunsets and a variety of natural phenomena from which to learn and grow. This week a total lunar eclipse reminds you to ride the high road of spirit and follow the stars.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) The Aries-Libra polarity of this week’s full Moon lunar eclipse reverberates with echoes of the recent past: me vs. you and self vs. others. Whether it’s a close, intimate relationship or one of another nature and purpose, it’s all about you and what you do with the stimuli coming from the outside in. Personal responsibility – accepting your part – is the key to all success here. Recognizing the supreme power you have in the quality of your own life is essential to happiness and health. Simple.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) As an important player in the cosmic drama taking place over the last few years – specifically regarding the erratic, radical ups and downs of others in your life – you have done your best to keep the peace and maintain a healthy balance of giving and receiving. Take a deep breath and pay attention to the illuminating light of this week’s full Moon. A major relationship phase is ending. It’s time to take care of you.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) “Take good care of yourself” is easier said than done. Often we don’t know what that means or how to do it. Recovering from life’s battles, ups and downs, joys and sorrows, so-called victories and sad defeats requires solace, relaxation and time. Cultivate patience and remember, it’s a process of progress. Struggling against the moment is like struggling against the Universe. You will not win. Relax and let it be.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) Good Friday comes with such a lovely name. And, hopefully, it will be so. Aries fire adds fuel to desire as you discover a great bounty of wealth in places, spaces and the faces of people you respect and admire. Shrug off negativity, doubt and fear. Replace it with the grace of gratitude and the magic of inner peace. The world is crazy and chaotic, yes. But you carry the flame of a loving heart within wherever you go.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) The Christian world’s most holy holiday coincides with the annual return and resurrection of spring. Our Mother Earth gives birth to new life, snows melt and grasses turn green. Baby lambs and romping calves frolic in pastures as trees bud and flowers blossom. And this is so for you also. New life stirs within; resurging vitality engenders a renaissance of hope, inspiration and creativity. Follow the muse.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Celestial music plays in ethereal spaces as Mother Nature’s magic waves across the mountains and meadows of spring. Beware of wind, as changes blow wild and free. Full Moon eclipse energy encourages illumination, keep your eyes and ears open wherever you go. Messages run rampant and things you need to see and hear are there for the taking. Think positive, be proactive and focus on solutions.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) What a wild feeling to know how effective and important you are in creating a good, healthy, happy life. Personal responsibility is the touchstone to reality; a way to stay grounded in the here and now, accept others as they are and understand that change comes only from within. This April eclipse week unfolds with light, shining new hope and fresh love in your relationships. Express gratitude, share love and choose joy.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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