19 Apr A Few Recommended Books for Spring Reading
Writing for the Huff Post, Maddie Crum and Claire Fallon of the Huff Post suggest “7 Brilliant Books You Should Read While YouAre Waiting for Spring to Actually Come.”
An epidemic of memory loss sweeps the nation, leaving survivors to piece together their recollections of pre-apocalyptic life; a small town tries to make sense of its recent paranormal activity; a “corporate anthropologist” tries to craft a theory of everything. The authors making the most waves recently seem to be peppering fantastical elements into their fiction.
Below are 7 stunning new stories that we highly recommend:
Voices in the Night by Steven Millhauser
“The towns in Steven Millhauser’s stories are haunted. The characters — nearly all of them — are frenzied. They see phantoms, they fixate on surreal happenings, they hear voices in the night. But Millhauser isn’t a horror writer; his latest collection elegantly toes the line between the real and the surreal, and many of the stories examine how we attempt to collectively explain the unexplainable.” -Maddie Crum
Read the full review here.Hausfrau by Jill Alexander Essbaum
“Hausfrau opens with the kind of simple, striking line that compels you to read on: ‘Anna was a good wife, mostly.’ What does it mean, that ‘mostly’? As it turns out, the better question is, what does ‘good’ mean? Can it mean anything Anna wants it to mean?
Anna Benz, the American wife of a Swiss banker named Bruno, has lived in Switzerland with her husband for nearly a decade, but remains ambivalently on the outskirts of society. She has made no real friends and can barely speak a word of Schwiizerdütsch, the local tongue. Instead, she stays home and raises their three children, Victor, Charles, and Polly, with grudging help from her mother-in-law, Ursula.” -Claire Fallon
Read the full review here.…
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