11 Mar Mountain Village Celebrates 20 Years
Mountain Village has a reason to celebrate: the town just turned 20 on March 10.
Incorporated on this date in 1995, Mountain Village became a home rule municipality, hired staff, and held its first Town Council meeting 19 days later.
“Mountain Village is truly a unique place to live, whether it is our open and spacious setting, one-of-a-kind gondola transit system, unmatched recreational amenities, or even the rare ability for our second homeowners to fully engage in the community by voting in local matters, there truly is no other place quite like our community, and the future looks even brighter,” said Mayor Dan Jansen.
March 10, 1995
Incorporated on this date 20 years ago, Mountain Village formally becomes a home rule municipality.
March 1995
Mountain Village hires 10 very special employees; 20 years later they continue to work for the town.
March 29, 1995
Town Council calls its first meeting to order. On the agenda: appointment of offices and departments.
June 25, 1996
The Town of Mountain Village holds its first election with 43 residents and 92 non-residents casting their vote. Since its incorporation, seven mayors have served the electorate.
Mountain Munchkins is a welcomed addition to Mountain Village, and currently offers childcare to 51 families in the region.
December 20, 1996
The gondola opens on this date, becoming the first and only free transportation of its kind in the United States. Almost 20 years later it is the top rated tourist attraction
July 1999
The town officially opens the doors to the 31,000-square-foot Telluride Conference Center. Today it is still owned by the town, though operated by Telluride Ski & Golf Company.
December 1, 2001
The town accepts deposits for Village Court Apartments Phase II rental units, which includes 90 additional apartments. In all, there are 222 units at VCA, and more affordable housing is envisioned in the Comprehensive Plan.
December 2001
The ski area expands to include an additional 733 acres of skiable terrain accessible by way of ski lift.
Mountain Village joins the World Wide Web at townofmountainvillage.com. In 2015 Mountain Village will launch a new responsive website so it can be easily viewed on any device.
July 2006
Busting at the office space seams, employees move into Mountain Village Town Hall with The Market at Mountain Village as its neighbor. It took just over a year to build Town Hall.
January 1, 2007
From 1995 to 2007, the Mountain Village Metropolitan District provided municipal services like transportation and water. Since this is a typical function of local government, the town gradually took over these services and Metro District formally dissolved. During this same year the town separates from the Telluride Mountain Village Owners Association.
July 22, 2008
Mountain Village kicks off its comprehensive planning process.
September 14, 2009
The Mountain Village Bike Park opens with over 1,000 feet of vertical drop, about 30 berms, and multiple jumps. Today the town continues to make improvements to the park and its entire summer trail system.
October 12, 2009
With demand growing, Mountain Munchkins expands its operations to include 14 preschool-aged children.
June 16, 2011
After a three-year process and 51 public meetings, the Mountain Village Comprehensive Plan is adopted unanimously by Town Council. This guiding document embodies the community’s short and long-term visions for Mountain Village.
January 1, 2012
Mountain Village creates its first department focused on the environment. To date, the town has placed 41 wetlands – or 55 acres – in conservation easements. Also, 375 native mountain bluebirds fledge in nest boxes on the golf course, calling Mountain Village home.
Fall 2012
A critical step in developing our entrepreneurial ecosystem, the Telluride Venture Accelerator opens for business in Mountain Village, attracting over 15 companies and 80 mentors to our community who work on a broad array of cool new products and services.
August 2013
Mountain Village offers its customers 33 percent faster Internet speeds – from 6 MBPS for an individual customer to 20 MBPS – making Mountain Village the best option for Internet service. In 2015 the town will acquire 10 times more capacity, allowing the municipality to offer faster and more reliable service.
March 10, 2015
Mountain Village turned 20.
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