09 Mar Ah Haa Presents: What Makes Art?
“The teaching of art is the teaching of all things,” William Ruskin.
Three talks about “What Makes Art?” feature visiting art historian/cultural critic Paul Evans, Monday – Wednesday, March 16 – March 18, 6 – 8 p.m. Sponsored by the Ah Haa School for the Arts, Telluride Library and Telluride Arts.
Monday – Wednesday, March 16-18, let Evans take you on a stimulating journey into the heart of art. Through a series of imagined dialogues, Evans will lead us inside some of the great philosophical minds to debate various theories of art and aesthetics. Each of the three art history presentations is free and open to the public.
These talks are sure to be dynamic and engaging as Evans probes and pushes into the world of art history and how it has shaped cultures, current events and our views of the world. Evans is a highly entertaining and enthusiastic lover of art history. Attendees should be enthralled by his illuminating, edgy perspective.
In his first talk, Monday, March 16, Telluride Library, “The Mind of the Artist: Painting Philosophy,” Plato, the master of the dream will debate Aristotle, the master of action, about what makes beauty in art.
In his second talk, Tuesday, March 17, at Ah Haa, “Natural/Supernatural: Soul and Flesh in Art,” Evans asks, “Does art capture nature, or does art convey the supernatural?” Freud and Jung will debate this question, one grounded in realism; the other in symbol.
In his final talk, Wednesday, March 18, also at Ah Haa, “Visionaries: Innovation in Art,” Evans calls on the visionaries, innovators who, exploring mind, heart and soul, change how we see the world. From the Greeks to yesterday, Michelangelo to the Target logo, this talk is art history on steroids.
Click the “play” button to eavesdrop on our in-depth conversation.
About Paul Evans:
Paul Evans hails from Florissant, MO. He now teaches high school English and philosophy at the Whitfield School. A highly regarded writer and teacher, Evans has been recognized for his inspiring teaching. His classroom is known to be “an edge of your seat atmosphere where all await the next epiphany.”
Evans is co-author, The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll; The Rolling Stone Album Guide; The Rolling Stone Guide to Jazz and Blues. He is editor-in-Chief: Southline, an Atlanta newsweekly covering politics and the arts. Regular Contributor: Rolling Stone magazine: a regular column, Rollin’ & Tumblin’. Staff Writer: Georgia Trend, an Atlanta business magazine. He has written for The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Billboard, Entertainment Weekly, Art Papers, more. Also advertising campaigns for Dutch TV, capital campaign literature for The Howard School, speech-writing, and ghost-writing for psychiatrists.
“My first job (age 16) was as a greeting card writer.”
Evans’s “Three Evenings of Art History” are sponsored by the Ah Haa School for the Arts, Wilkinson Public Library and Telluride Arts.
Monday’s presentation takes place at the Wilkinson Library. Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s presentations take place at the Ah Haa School’s Depot building.
“Great teaching is not about instruction; it is about inspiration. The teacher we honor today, [Paul Evans], inspires his students daily, and it is an inspiration that endures. In his classroom, the discussions are stimulating and the students genuinely engaged; it is an ‘edge of your seat’ atmosphere where all await the next epiphany. He asks the hard questions of the young men and women in the room; he does not let them off with trite answers. He pushes and probes and pulls until the student has reached a deeper understanding of the world in which we live. In discussions with colleagues about curriculum and pedagogy, he exhibits the same probity and search for the truth. He is generous with his time, deeply committed to the school and his students, a valued colleague, and an inspiration to all of us.” The Elizabeth Copeland Norfleet Award. 2007 St. Anne’s-Belfield Upper School highest teaching award.
For more information, call 970-728-3886.
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