23 Feb Telluride Foundation: Upcoming Nonprofit Workshops
Most nonprofits depend on successful fundraising and a lot can be learned from a local expert successfully working in the field. Due to the importance of fundraising to local nonprofits’ growth and vitality, the Telluride Foundation is hosting a free, public workshop, “Raise More Money.” The talk is scheduled for Thursday, February 26, 9:30a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in the Program Room at the Telluride Wilkinson Public Library.
The workshop will be taught by Amy McBride, development officer for Montrose Regional Libraries District, with over 25 years of nonprofit fundraising experience. Nonprofit staff and board members are encouraged to attend to gain knowledge about raising funds for their cause. Participants will learn from McBride’s personal stories of success and failure and have the opportunity to review existing programs and events to improve fundraising potential.
“In this workshop, you will learn how to overcome your fear of fundraising, build donor and membership programs, and correctly use special events,” said McBride. “I guarantee you will walk away with at least ten ideas to raise more money.”
McBride is a fifth-generation Ouray County resident and has led fundraising training throughout Colorado and the West. McBride has been Development Officer for the Montrose Regional Library District since 2006. She raised $800,000 in grants and gifts to build the award-winning Naturita Library and created the Libraries of Montrose County Foundation, which has built a $300,000 endowment. She was development director and community organizer for Western Colorado Congress for 17 years and increased annual individual giving from $70,000 to more than $230,000 and annual foundation income from $250,000 to $400,000.
Please contact April Montgomery at the Telluride Foundation at 970-728-8717 or april@telluridefoundation.org to RSVP for this workshops or for more information.
Nonprofits please take note of the following FREE workshops and upcoming ED Breakfast coming soon. Please RSVP via email if you haven’t already:
Thursday, March 5, 8:30 – 9:45 at the Ah Haa School (300 S. Townsend St., Telluride)
Join Thea Chase, Director of the Telluride Venture Accelerator to discuss creative ways for your nonprofit to make money.
Thursday, March 12, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m., at the Ah Haa School (300 S. Townsend St., Telluride)
Jerry Colonna is a venture capitalist and certified professional coach in New York City, as well as a compelling speaker on leadership. He has been named to Upside magazine’s list of the 100 most Influential People of the New Economy, Forbes ASAP’s list of the best VCs in the country and Worth’s list of the 25 most generous young Americans. The workshop is in conjunction with tellurideXchange, an initiative of the Telluride Foundation’s Telluride Venture Accelerator.
Tuesday, April 28, 2 – 5 p.m. in Ridgway at the Sherbino Theater (604 Clinton St., Ridgway).
Sponsored by Western Slope Rural Philanthropy Days. For details, cost and registration, click here. (Details won’t be available until March 1.) Do not RSVP to April.
Some of you might want to share with your clients: Telluride Library is offering free Legal Self-Help Clinics via computer link for parties without an attorney. Second Tuesday of every month. Check with the Wilkinson Library for more details.
About the Telluride Foundation:
The Telluride Foundation exists to create a stronger Telluride community through the promotion and support of philanthropy. It is a nonprofit, apolitical community foundation that provides year-round support for local organizations involved in arts, education, athletics, charitable causes, land conservation and other community-based efforts through technical assistance, education and grant making. As a grant maker, the Foundation awards grants to qualified applicants that serve the people living and working in the Telluride area for the purpose of enhancing the quality of life within the region. For more information on the Telluride Foundation visit www.telluridefoundation.org.
Note: Unless indicated otherwise, contact April Montgomery at the Telluride Foundation at 970-728-8717 or april@telluridefoundation.org to RSVP workshops or the ED Breakfast or for more information.
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