10 Feb Poets’ Corner: Feela for Valentine’s Day
On Valentine’s Day, in some countries, a young woman may receive a gift of clothing from a young man. If she keeps the threads, it means she will marry him. But most men in this country hedge their bets: married or no, it’s all about flowers. In fact, given the choice of tokens, more than 75 percent on men in the U.S. over the past two years gave flowers to a significant other or mother. According to ProFlower, of those, “nine in ten primarily intended to express their love (91%), while 26% said they give flowers to avoid disappointing the person, and 16% said to avoid being in the dog house.” The following is a “bouquet” from regular contributor, poet extraordinaire David Feela.
Sweet Williams Garden
I’m a gladiola
she’s a begonia
aster to forget-me-not
and marigold me,
make a baby’s breath
and be a poppy
for all me daisies.
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