February 2015

I was asked to be in charge of the Second Chance Pet Column today. And I was like, “Cool, does it taste good?”  Then I learned that sadly you don’t eat a column, you have to punch little keys with your paws to make words… Sigh. But...

Telluride Arts’ programs director Britt Markey is more than just a pretty face. She is executive director Kate Jones’ abundantly talented aide de camp – and then some. [caption id="attachment_48272" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Hand, Britt Markey[/caption] With degrees in graphic design and fine art, Britt brings substantial design, organizational,...

Color is the backdrop of our lives. And the colors we surround ourselves with in daily life affect us profoundly. And they affected history. Writing in the Huff Post, Todd Van Luling talks about “8 Things You Didn’t Know About Color That Almost Too Ridiculous To Be...

The Telluride Jazz Festival’s educational initiatives represent excellence in music education. The Telluride Jazz Festival's Artists in the Schools programs offer informal music education to area youth. Visiting musicians in town for the WinterJazz programs give their time, talent, and energy to the program, performing and interacting with...

Let’s play a  little game of free association. I say “Syriana” and you say?… Bet your answer is Telluride Film Fest 2011 tributee George Clooney, who starred in the 2005 geopolitical thriller about oil, the Middle East, corporate greed, oil, espionage, wealth, power, intrigue, oil, assassination,...

What if someone told you being likeable is not just a lucky accident of great DNA? We are not necessarily hardwired for popularity. Dr. Travis Bradberry, co-author of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and president of TalentSmart, claims like-ability matter of emotional intelligence. Read on for details. Too many people succumb to...

Double your giving! A local family foundation has gratiously challenged the San Miguel Resource Center with a $20,000 match for the 2015 Chocolate Lover’s Fling. Scroll to bottom of post for links to donate and make an even bigger difference. The San Miguel Resource Center is the Telluride...

In 2012, bestselling author, National Geographic Fellow (and hottie) Dan Buettner spoke at Mountainfilm in Telluride. His subject, the blissful “Blue Zones”: places where cultures live longest and happiest, two separate universes, but with distinct overlaps. One common thread: being part of a community. On Superbowl...