12 Jan San Juan Mountains Weather Report ~~ Monday, 1/12/15
The San Juans are currently between storms with partly cloudy skies and warming temperatures, but by this afternoon an upper level low pressure trough currently forming in the Great Basin will move into western Colorado and mix with moisture flowing into the 4-corners from the southwest. Looks like a good storm for the San Juans with potential of 10-15″ depending on location/elevation, with SW facing terrain being favored.
As the closed-low forms over the Gt. Basin the timing of a frontal passage early Tue. morning should cause good snow production. The closed-low will sink into Arizona, and depending upon how quickly and how far south it travels will tell the story of precip rates and snow totals. This storm should be with us through Tuesday evening (but weakening by afternoon) as it exits our forecast area.
By Wednesday morning clearing skies, drier air and high pressure returns as the flow shifts to the northwest through the weekend. The first chance of another disturbance is Sunday, but it is too far out to be anything but science fiction right now..
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