23 Jan ALACAZEM 2015.01.22
January 22 to 29, 2015 Visible planets: Morning: Jupiter, Saturn Evening: Venus, Mars
The January 20th New Moon took place at 0° Aquarius – the earliest possible degree – as the Sun and Moon aligned in symmetry to cross the celestial bridge from Capricorn into Aquarius, together. The zero degree of any tropical zodiac sign denotes birth and new life, a genesis that offers the initiate a full spectrum view and vantage point of the shimmering cosmological road ahead.
The last several new Moons – October [0° Scorpio], November [0°Sagittarius] and December [0° Capricorn] – have also taken place at the zero degree of their respective signs, giving all of these lunations the intrinsic metaphysical mission of initiation – one of the most powerful mystical concepts of the ancient and modern ages. From the antiquity of alchemy to the cutting edge of quantum physics, we evolve, revision and reinterpret the world and cosmos in which we live. It’s an ongoing process of birth, death and rebirth, an ever revolving wheel of exploration and experience. We return mentally, emotionally and physically to where we’ve been before, and yet the road of life stretches eternally out before us.
This month, the Aquarius zodiac month and Aquarius lunar month began precisely at the same time, gifting us with the fortuitous opportunity to “enjoy, seize, use, make use of” the day – carpe diem – in a process of alchemical, quantum physical initiation via present moment living, all month long. Aquarius offers us the brilliant touchstone of knowledge, information and inspiration, opening our hearts to the unlimited potential of our ever-expanding Universe and the interconnectedness of all beings, energies and ideas. It awakens us to the divine spark and inner light, embraces us in friendship, brotherhood and sisterhood, bridges the gap between rich and poor, old and young, male and female, plant and animal, earth and star, one and all. It is here we find our connection as an individual to the collective whole, seek out people of like mind and spirit, identify common ground and band together under the banner of our most idealistic hopes and dreams. It is here we discover the magical union of individual heart and cosmic heart, individual mind and universal mind.
So as we talk our talk and walk our walk this month, may we talk and walk the illuminated, self-actualized Aquarian path of fellowship, friendship, truth, liberty, justice, equality and camaraderie, understand our unique differentness and essential commonality, dance the dance of light, compassion and peace, and feel our hearts beat with the detached, enlightened Aquarian passion of universal love and the powerful, self-fulfilling promise of good intention. And may we live out the modern western tag of the ancient dictum carpe diem: “take advantage of the opportunities arising in the day” each and every day – every day of this sparkling, enchanting Aquarian solar and lunar month. Good luck may the Force be with you!
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) Old territory feels like fresh terrain as you retrace steps and find yourself in places and spaces you have been before. But because you live life differently today than you have in the past, sunlight sparkles and moonbeams dance. You are free to create, express and discover the best you can be and do. Meanwhile, romantic opportunities return and financial obligations remain. Take care of business and seize the day.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) Planetary power in your solar 10th house of goals and achievements may have you thinking about what you have accomplished in life so far and what you would still like to do. Whether it’s a bucket list or one made out of high school or college, the instructions are the same. Follow your heart. Delineate true desires, core values and cherished dreams. Hope and optimism are allies. Seek truth and you’ll find treasure.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) Ruler Mercury goes retrograde on Jan. 21st and will remain so for about three weeks. Characteristically, this a time of stasis and recovery, when we retrace steps and return to places and spaces we have been. Rather than feel stuck, take advantage of this deeply opportune time to reassess and redefine your life and loves. Research, review and re-create your path of heart.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) On the heels of a freedom-loving New Moon, a sparkling new year awaits your creation. But, of course, it’s not all about you. Choosing appropriate partners, playmates and bedmates is a huge part of the upcoming twelve months. And because you have tested the waters and been through a long process of pairing and sharing over the last few years, you know what works and what does not. Stay true to heart.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) While the overall expansion and growth influence of the recurring 12-year Jupiter transit continues, the slant now is one of reassessment and review. No doubt, you have opened doors on a variety of options and opportunities, met amazing people and been embraced by the world in general. Now it’s time to prune the bush and shine the silver. Focus on what is good. Stay focused and don’t get lost in abundance.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Your ruling planet Mercury is now retrograde in Aquarius, your solar 6th house of health and self-improvement, work and service. Because these are themes of Virgo life purpose and dharma, this is a time of golden, synchronistic opportunity regarding programs of personal wellness and well-being. Practice is the keyword here. Stay on the path, do your best and focus on progress rather than perfection.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) For Libras, the Aquarius zodiac month comes as one of annual creative potential and desire. Increasing daylight and more direct solar rays infuse you with electromagnetic energy and power, charging psychic batteries, opening the heart and igniting the soul. The effects are uplifting and exciting as you feel a sense of renewal, hope and optimism. Mercury retrograde says heal, relax and enjoy the joy.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) With the Sun, Venus and retrograde Mercury transiting your 4th house of family and personal self, you may find yourself and those closest to you in the process of recovery or review regarding health and wealth. And we all know that “health is wealth” so take good care of you! Remember that what you put in your mouth is a huge part of wellness. Examine diet and improve it. Eat fresh and organic, no GMOs.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) With motivator Mars now transiting fellow mutable sign Pisces, you may feel internal push and pressure regarding place of residence, family relationships and personal self-care. Perhaps it’s time to consider a clean up or fix-up at home, a move of some sort or a more realistic assessment of your physical body and emotional soul. Happiness is an inside job and in order to feel joy, you must feel good. Check it out.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) With your birthday month now over and done with, candles out and cakes consumed, it’s time to get going on the road to success – however you define it. But first, take a look in the rear view mirror. Mercury retrograde favors a three-week period of reassessment and review; it’s a time to consider where you’ve been and where you want to go. Take it easy, one day at a time. Enjoy the pace.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Congratulations on another revolution around the Sun. Your birthday month glimmers before you. Life is good and you have everything you need. Mercury and Jupiter retrograde encourage rest and relaxation, relationship expansion and healing. Take a good look at where you are today and how you got there. Who do you need to thank and show appreciation? It’s easy to get caught up in ego. Do the opposite and enjoy the benefits.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) With mental Mercury now retrograde in Pisces, you have been given license to baby up, cocoon if you want to, rest and relax. The upcoming three weeks favor finishing rather than starting, so go ahead and wrap up all those loose ends. Review, research and redefine from A to Z, indulge yourself in personal projects and programs of health and well-being. Also open to angelic forces and spirit guides. They are here to help.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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