03 Jan ALACAZEM 2015.01.01
January 1 to 8, 2015 Visible planets: Morning: Jupiter, Saturn Evening: Venus, Mars
It is New Year’s Day morning and I’m sitting at our dining room table watching the snow fall, trying to come up with appropriate words for the first Alacazem column of 2015. A fire burns and flames dance behind the glass doors of our new Jotul woodstove. The day is grey and it’s brutally cold outside. Inside work works just fine, but I don’t know what to write.
So, here I am, here we are, moving through the second decade of the 21st century, evolving as a species on an organically rich planet – in a galaxy, in a cosmos – through the illusive, invisible, ethereal, eternal mind-stuff we call time. And what is time?
If I had read the Special Collector’s Edition of Scientific American I bought myself for Christmas titled “A Matter of Time,” perhaps I might be able to answer my own question. But, I have not. Instead I can only quote the cover: “It begins, it ends, it’s real, it’s an illusion. It’ the ultimate paradox.” And a forever and always mystery, just like life and death.
Today, I know the calendar clock has moved along and it is time to start a new year. I also know that a very good, old friend of mine has “clocked out” – her time here on the physical earth-plane ended two days past. The Angel of Death has taken her to another world, another realm. And once again, the Great Mystery prevails. The miracle of life begins our journey toward life’s end. It’s all a matter of time. And then what?
Time and timelessness; one second, one moment, one hour, one day at a time. We live our lives. Perhaps the most important question is “How do we choose to live our lives, one moment at a time?” Whatever the purpose, whatever the path, do we embrace the miracle and do the best we can to make the most of this unbelievably precious and ultimately fragile gift? I would like to end this rather mystical, metaphysical muse with a message written on a closet wall at Fort Collins High School by my 18-year-old niece, Lise, now an angelic presence in the mysterious, mystical realm of spirit. “Live each and every moment of your precious life.”
Wishing all people and life upon this magical planet Earth an embracing, awakening, uplifting, enlightening journey in 2015, and beyond. Blessings and peace.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) The New Year brings a welcome shift from conservative, authoritarian Capricorn to unconventional, freedom-loving Aquarius. But, hold on, not so fast! Aquarius ruler Uranus has recently gone direct in Aries, giving you one last chance to get it right. Freedom and responsibility go hand in hand. You have been forced to face and change what needs to change. Practice the art of positive, personal change.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) The Jan. 4th Cancer-Capricorn full Moon illuminates issues of nurturing and self-care in relation to professional goals and social responsibilities. You are seen as somewhat of a judge and jury when it comes to family, siblings and children. Meanwhile, you recognize the pitfalls of that position. You simply cannot control the world. As your spiritual awakening continues, practice the art of loving and letting go.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) You may find yourself playing the roles of caretaker and comforter, manager and organizer, lover and friend as the New Year begins. Nothing new, just more of it. And, of course, dealing with money issues – both yours and “theirs” – continues as a theme. Just focus on the facts and keep the emotions out of it, otherwise, expect a grand conflagration. Practice emotional detachment and good self-care.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) The January full Moon in Cancer shimmers silver light into your heart and soul, reminding you of all the good things you have to be thankful for. Life’s most simple pleasures – a warm fire, a cozy couch, a comfy bed – bring the greatest pleasures. And a brisk walk or ski across the meadow doesn’t hurt either. Cultivate the art of balance in your personal life and relationships. It’s all and equation. Do the math!
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) 2015 starts out with giant Jupiter – planet of jolly abundance, good luck and good cheer – retrograding back through Leo. As this transit lasts well into April, you might as well get in synch now and ride the happy retro-flow until then. The strategy: take care of what you’ve left undone, started and need to finish rather than starting anew. And with all the busy-ness and expansion, you have plenty to do!
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Ruler Mercury and voluptuous Venus move from Capricorn into Aquarius this week, shifting mental and emotional gears in matters of love, money and health. The ongoing process of deep cleansing and purging of heart and soul continues, but the focus shifts. Guardian spirits and angelic forces surround you, but you must ask for their assistance and guidance to receive it. Open your eyes, ask for help, then do the work.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) A sense of purpose combines with feelings of new hope and fresh inspiration as the New Year begins. You understand the power of practice and are willing to do the work, now it’s time to organize and prioritize. Also beware of other people’s needs and agendas, as they are more than happy to take up plenty of your time and energy. The bottom line: Focus on self-care and personal progress. It’s time to get ‘er done!
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) This week’s Cancer-Capricorn New Moon shines light upon what you think and how you communicate your feelings and ideas to others. A two-year period of pruning the bush in personal arenas and relationships has ended. Now you are being called to nurture and sustain what you have chosen to remain. Self-care and self-responsibility are imperative now and it’s all about inner work. Embrace the work.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) The way you do things, personal value systems and the way in which you choose to make a living have been radically revisioned and transformed over the last several years. Now that you understand the deeper workings of soul and spirit, isn’t it time to align head with heart and live free in the light of truth? Fellowships, brother and sisterhoods guide you with common goals and interests. Get out, connect and share.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) A big week in your annual birthday month presents itself with plenty of opportunity and good will. Others see you as competent, capable and responsible, willing to take charge and lead the way. If you feel ready to do it, go forth. Otherwise, take it easy and work on plans and strategies for the year ahead. Art and creativity are favored; tap the artist within and let visions and dreams inspire the craft and creation.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) 2015 opens to a year of new vision and new hope as an illuminated spiritual path glimmers and shimmers before you. The choice is yours, take the high road of spirit and explore the ethers or stay on the one built with the rocks and dirt of the physical world? The last several years have forced you to open your mind and change the way you define reality. Now it’s time to live an awakened life, every day, in every way.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) As the Capricorn month initiates winter and the New Year unfolds, the Fish are swimming in an ocean of friendship and camaraderie, connecting with people of like mind and spirit, following their hearts to lands of inspiration and new hope. And with so much suffering, inequity and war in the world, you are a shining light. What can you do but live a healthy, happy life and be the change you want the world to be? That’s it!
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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