30 Dec Poets’ Corner: Nuggets for the New Year
You’ve made a little list and checked it twice. No, not that list. Christmas is over. Your New Year’s Eve resolutions. The top 10 usually include losing weight, eating more healthily, exercising more, stopping smoking, sticking to a budget, saving money, getting more organized, being more patient, finding a better job and just being a better person over all. But in general, a New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.
Here are country commissioner and poet Art Goodtimes vows for self-improvement.
No more TV for me
Just KOTO (& sometimes
Paonia’s KVNF)
Maybe CDs
if I’m in the mood
for more than deep silences
Oh, and I read the papers
Mostly the local ones
But enough battlefield video
McRedeye sez, “Can’t
stomach kids getting blown up
Anyone, really”
And did you know the first New Year was celebrated 4,000 years ago by the ancient Babylonians? Or that it is a tradition to ring in New Year’s with family and friends because the first people you see will either give you good luck or bad luck. So make sure to keep friends close and foes very far away. And get drunk on these intoxicating pearls from Word Woman Rosemerry Trommer:
Three Short Poems for the First Day of a New Year
those crumbs
in your hair, I think I’ll
leave them there
it’s not what I
expected, said the fish
when given wings
these hands, so weary
from grasping, finally open
enough to hold light
What a Year It’s Been
despite snow
despite cold
though it makes no sense
this heart
still unbuttons its coat
Amen and raised a cup to Auld Lang Syne.
Editor’s note: On Tuesday, January 6, 2015, Art and Rosemerry will be featured at the first Talking Gourds event of the New Year. The poetry slam takes place at Arroyo Telluride, 6 p.m.
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