December 2014

Warren Miller Entertainment (WME) and Travis Julia Presents Warren Miller’s 65th film "No Turning Back.” The screening takes place Tuesday, December 23, at the Historic Sheridan Opera House. The newest installment from WME pays homage to the 65 years of mountain culture and adventure filmmaking that has led...

The term solstice means "sun stands still." On the year's two solstices (winter and summer) the sun appears to halt in its incremental journey across the sky and change little in position during this time. Of course, contrary to appearances from Earth, the sun's "changing...

As we approach the winter solstice, Planet Bluegrass is proud to announce the preliminary single-day lineup for the 42nd Annual Telluride Bluegrass Festival (June 18-21, 2015). [caption id="attachment_47195" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Ry Cooder, about now. Photographer: Chris Pizzello Associated Press[/caption] * Sam Bush Band * Cooder - White -...

Telluride Mountainfilm presents two special screenings,a Telluride premiere, of the award-winning film “Valley Uprising,” a thrilling documentary from Sender Films about the history of climbing in Yosemite National Park. Sheridan Opera House, Friday, December 26, 4 p.m.(doors, 3:30 p.m.) and 7:30 p.m. (doors and cash...

A few facts about the winter solstice from Mashable. 1. It happens at a specific time The winter solstice isn't the full day of Dec. 21, but rather occurs at a specific time. At that point, the sun is shining farthest to the south, directly over the...

Mountain Village set to brighten the holiday season with #HolidayMagic Light Show. Bedazzlement begins December 24. The Partners of Mountain Village, Colorado, are set to impress guests and locals alike this holiday season with a holiday light show like nothing anyone has ever seen. Madeline Hotel and Residences...

SCOTT COHEN is an artist and director now based in New York, who used to call Telluride home. His photographic works, primarily derived from his own documentary footage, can be found in numerous collections around the world and collectively make up the parts of a poetic narrative...

Miracle food, including spices like tumeric. Claims abound. Some even verified. Found this compelling story in Eco Watch about cinnamon, coveted for its flavor yes - and also for  its many medical benies. [caption id="attachment_47072" align="aligncenter" width="259"] Ceylon cinnamon, the preferred choice for medical benies as well as...

G’day mate! I’m Comet and I’m an Australian cattle dog or, as many people around here call us, a Blue Heeler. I’m six months young and although petite for a typical blue heeler, what I lack in size I more than make up for in...

If you are a student of Eastern traditions, you have studied the positive impacts of a yoga practice – and not just asana, not just the physical practice – but the fullness of this ancient art and science, then the revelations in this following story...