Found this end-of-year story in Vanity Fair online. It’s a laughing matter to close out 2014. Unless, of course, you are in the business of disseminating opinions and other forms of information. Unless you happen to own an online magazine (like Telluride Inside… and Out) and live in fear of such flubs.
Let us begin by saying that everybody makes mistakes, and anyone who has her work published lives in healthy fear of flubbing a fact. But in a year brimming with bad news (the rise of ISIS, the spread of Ebola, repeated police killings of unarmed men of color), media watchers could look to the bottom of articles (or highlighted portions on the Web sites of Jim Romenesko, Poynter, and Twitter) for mixups that were entertaining, bewildering, or both. The below 11 corrections are our favorite mistakes of the year.
When you want something to mean more than it actually does: Rand Paul, who is actually named Randall Paul, was not, as the Times initially reported, named after Ayn Rand.
On the New Yorker’s reporting on faculties of a dog in Garth Stein’sThe Art of Racing in the Rain, who can think, but not speak.
In which the TimesgaveDick Cheney the title he always believed he had..
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