24 Dec ALACAZEM 2014.12.25
December 25 to January 1, 2014 Visible planets: Morning: Jupiter, Saturn Evening: Mercury, Venus, Mars
As December Solstice celebrates the returning light of the Sun – and the year’s shortest day and longest night – it also marks the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s a day of endings and new beginnings, a time to take stock of where we’ve been and where we are going. As crystalline ice and dancing snow replace the tawny auburns and burning golds of autumn, we journey inward. Crackling fires and cozy quilts become allies in the battle against the frigid, freezing, life-threatening cold of Old Man Winter. Instinctively, we know it is time to conserve resources and utilize our talents for survival, even in this waste-happy land we call America. And, so here we are, on the heels of an auspicious solstice new Moon in the first degree of Capricorn, embarking upon the journey.
Winter Solstice, Christmas and New Year’s are the trappings of Capricorn, the 10th sign of the tropical zodiac and the last, therefore most “evolved” earth sign. It is here we get serious, look at our lives and ourselves realistically and commit to plans of positive, productive change. Ambition becomes action. Goals are set and strategies planned. And as the astrological wheel turns, Capricorn earth energy demands material evidence and physical manifestation of our work and effort. So…here we go.
I find the natural year and natural zodiac wild and magical, stunning and inspiring. Everywhere, on every day I am here on Earth, I see signs and omens. Clues on what is coming, what to watch for, what I might do to prepare for the inevitable, ever-evolving, flowing Great Mystery of Life and Death. All I have to do is relax and take pause, for a few seconds or minutes of the illusion we call time, and really stop to see and feel Mother Nature, look for Old Man Winter, listen to the wind, watch the clouds and touch the ground upon which I walk.
And as funny as that may seem, in my everyday ordinary humanness, it is simply is not that easy to do. But, here’s to one of Capricorn’s favorite words and doings: practice.
During this very fortuitous Capricorn zodiac month, may we all find our best, most propitious, prosperous, productive practice. Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo! Paz y Amor.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) The task of Capricorn is the development of responsibility, resourcefulness and integrity, as well as the ability to set realistic goals and boundaries. Pluto’s ongoing transit through Capricorn in square aspect to Aries continues to flush out the shadow side of the victim-tyrant polarity and force you to work on issues of self-control, self-indulgence and self-denial. It all comes down to daily practice. Practice!
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) As the Sun creeps through the first degrees of Capricorn on it’s annual journey north to summer solstice, the high road of spirit beckons. Recent events and conversations have evoked memories and stimulated feelings that compel exploration. As a down-to-earth pragmatist, you naturally focus on facts and logic rather than metaphysics and magic. And so be it. But curiosity fuels discovery and after all, you like to learn.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) The urge to take action accelerates with Uranus now direct in Aries and it’s like a green light, a signal to step on the gas. Coupled with the sixth of seven exact Uranus-Pluto squares at the Gemini full Moon, you may feel like a wild animal in a cage or radical revolutionary in the proverbial box. Big breakthroughs, breakouts and breakdowns are possible so remain grounded, centered and flexible. One step at a time.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) The advent of a Capricorn new Moon on winter solstice set the stage for a power-packed lunar month of returning light and illumination regarding your personal roles and responsibilities in relationships. Ongoing awakening and structural change continue as themes in the breakdown, demolition and reconstruction of the primary foundations of your life. Use good, strong, solid materials as you build.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) Saturn, Master Teacher and Lord of Karma, entered fellow fire-sign Sagittarius on Dec. 23, 2014 and opened the door on two years of reconstruction regarding love, money and romance. Saturn is always a transit of maturation, where we face reality and accept responsibility for our lives and ourselves. Dysfunctional and destructive patterns, relationships and behaviors come under fire. Don’t worry, it’s all for the best.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) The last week of 2014 is upon us and it’s time to do a little reflection and review. Good news is that the stars are lining up in your favor, and things are looking up. You have come a great distance over the last several years, danced with the devil, battled with demons and tested the waters of self-acceptance and self-discipline. Now you feel the positive effects of personal change. Congratulations. Stay on the path.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) With Christmas past and 2015 fast approaching, take a deep breath and find a quiet space to relax and consider who, where and what you are [doing] today. Creative work and personally enriching accomplishment are always a priority, running a close second to inner peace. Long-term, ongoing cardinal squares have tested your tenacity and grace. Now that you know more of what you want, keep the faith and adjust the pace.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) Winding down, slowing the pace and adjusting to the advent of the New Year cools jets and reminds you life is an eternally, evolving wheel of exploration, emotion and experience. Wise beyond your years, there are times you have little patience for the failures and foibles of others. Of course, you understand no one is perfect – not even you. Cultivate compassion, accept it all as exactly as it is in this moment and live free.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) With the Sun and new Moon in Capricorn, along with Mercury, Vesta, Pluto and Venus, the imperative for personal responsibility, self-discipline and integrity is at a peak. As the stars and planets shimmer and shine, embrace the wisdom of the ages and accept rather than resist. Struggling against the moment is like struggling against the entire Universe. You will not win. Smile and be happy. You are here.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) As the Capricorn birthday month progresses, count your blessings and embrace the magic grace of gratitude. Even though the world may be in one of the most dramatic, shocking, upsetting times in human history, there is always meaning behind the madness. Chaos is ultimately creative and the function in the politics of polarity is balance. You have plenty of job responsibility already. Take it easy and accept what is.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Wild, radical revolutionary Uranus – your ruling planet – has been upsetting the apple cart and shocking the world with outrageous killings, bombings and inequities for reasons of insanity. It’s all about awakening the individual and the masses to truth, what’s really happening, what fuels the demon, what needs to change – NOW! As an agent of enlightened change, stay the course and lead by example. Good luck!
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) A pack of planets in Capricorn pushes you out into the world of common interest and goals, shared vision and hopes for the future. It’s a rather global objective, but the action begins at home, inside your heart and soul. Something is pushing and pulling you, something big and mysterious. It’s as if a force of nature or mystical spirit is calling you to action. Relax in the glow, let it flow and trust the message.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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