01 Nov ALACAZEM 2014.10.31
October 30 to November 6, 2014
Visible planets: Morning: Jupiter Evening: Mars, Saturn
Halloween. All Hallowed Eve. Witches fly and spirits rise. The veil between the worlds of life and death grows thin. Fires are kindled and shadows dance as silver moonlight falls upon sleek black cats and vampire bats. Brews bubble and spells are cast…
Séances, Ouija boards, Jack-o-lanterns and flocks of children in costumes and disguises appear amidst swirling leaves and autumn twilight skies. Walkways crackle as trick-or-treaters carry baskets of goodies, immersed in the mystery and magic of this mystical, seasonal gap of time and space, here and there, past and present. Form and formless unite in a metaphysical dance of chance, change and unlimited, infinitely expanding potential and possibility.
May you find the magic, embrace the spirits and experience the wildly exciting connectedness between the visible and invisible. Happy Halloween, blessed All Saints Day, All Souls Day and a very merry Dia de los Muertos. Live and love…now and forever more.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) Spirits rise and darkness lengthens as Halloween opens metaphysical doors to lands of heart and soul. The Scorpio zodiac month is a time of relationship reckoning, when the people with whom you are, or were, most intimately involved step forth. Those who have passed on may appear in dreams or ghostlike apparitions. This is a time of intensity and deep inner process. Make peace with spirit – inside and out.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) All Souls Day follows All Saints Day as goblins gaggle and witches fly. Halloween festivities beckon, pumpkins glow and spirits rise. Tricks and treats abound, and you may find great pleasure sharing time with those you love. Food and fun are themes, but be prepared for some rather quirky people or experiences to pop up or in to your party. Taking it all in with calm and grace is your forte. Why change that now?
Gemini (May 20-June 20) You may find yourself being of service to others in one way or another as Halloween spirits fly and themes of death and rebirth abound. Hopefully, you will find the time and place amidst the depth and darkness to have some fun. Dia de los Muertos is a holiday that honors those who have passed on and over the veil, a veritable celebration of life. Chose joy rather than sorrow, see the light and enjoy the laughter.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) The Moon waxes toward full this week, shining silver light upon the mystery and metaphysics of life and death. Scorpio energy stirs the heart and awakens the soul, encourages inner process and rewards outer ritual. As Halloween marks the end of harvest and beginning of winter, why not kindle an actual or virtual fire of love and loving kindness? Physical demonstrations of appreciation are favored, bless the Mother Earth.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) Fires glow and spirits ascend as Halloween celebrates autumn harvest, summer’s end and winter’s impending darkness. A tricky Aquarian Moon reminds us that passion without intelligence will burn us out or lead to dis-aster [against the stars], but a more global view helps find the right places and people in which to invest our heart, time, money and desires. Keep a cool head and maintain a happy, healthy heart.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Halloween may feel somewhat out-of-sync or have you feeling physically out-of-sorts. Too much pressure to party? Whatever the case and circumstance, focus on your own, personal spiritual condition. Keeping your side of the street clean and maintaining your own back yard, rather than looking over the fence at what’s wrong with the neighbor’s, is a recipe for emotional and spiritual well-being. Enjoy the process!
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) You may want to get out and about or express your heart via magic and ritual as Halloween sparks autumn harvest fires and illuminates deep, soul desires. Good planetary energy abounds as a Leo Jupiter – Libra Mercury sextile opens minds and invokes higher-self being and doing. Soft-edged intimacy follows as you feel the power of love without the gravity of expectation. Enjoy the warmth and stoke the fire.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) Your happy birthday month evolves with its customary mystery and magic as metaphysical possibilities awaken and ignite. Congratulations on another revolution around the Sun! Respect and rituals for those who have come and gone are favored as forces gather, ghosts appear and spirits walk in the night. The veil between the living and dead is most thin now. Keep your eyes and heart open, be sweet and kind.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) Metaphysical power and possibility descends upon the land as days shorten and nights grow long. Samhain fires mark the end of summer and the bounty of harvest. Winter awaits in the wings as leaves whirl and spirits fly. Angelic presence surrounds you now, in spite of rather heavy feelings of burden. It’s a time of blessings and peace, but you must be willing to see it to experience it. Look and see.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) The most mystical, magical time of the year slips its way into your heart and head this week as leaves whirl and witches fly. Friends and lovers appear in costume or in the flesh with bright ideas for fun and frolic. Amidst all the festivities, tricks and treats, carve out some time for soul and spirit. Deep desire, inner yearning and heartfelt knowing fuel hopes and dreams. As a master of manifestation, invoke desire.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Extraterrestrial costumes and futuristic outlooks are favored as a Halloween Aquarius Moon shines light upon the wild, wacky, unusual and unexplainable possibilities of our ever-expanding Universe. Join the fun and celebrate the unique blend of life and death, mystery and metaphysics invoked this week. Others see you as a master magician of art and craft. Break spells and awaken spirits. Have fun.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Ghosts and goblins, witches and warlocks, a fairy princess and devilish diva may appear at your door or about your neighborhood as all kinds of possibilities emerge this week. Looking behind the façade and under the table are themes, both literally and metaphorically as you awaken to the expanding spectrum of life in all its mystery. As a teacher and guide, you are superb. Attraction is your magic, use it wisely and well.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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