13 Nov A Mustache Comeback?
The 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche had one. So did movie critic Gene Shallit. Oh, and Fu Manchu and Albert Einstein. Ok, so none of the above were fashion icons. But Burt Reynolds and the occasional Malboro Man were in their day. So are ‘staches really making a comeback today? Some say “yes,” others say louche. Check out this very funny article by Alex Williams in the Style section of the New York Times. (Full disclosure: My handsome partner – in life and on Telluride Inside… and Out – Clint Viebrock, frankly doesn’t give a damn about style trends. He has sported his ‘stache for 40 years.)

Clint Viebrock looking good in the ‘stache he has sported for 40 years. Move over George Clooney, the latest convert to the trend.
When James Franco was photographed at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art’s Art & Film gala this month with a shaved head and Ned Flanders mustache, Twitter users were not kind.
“All I want for Christmas is for@JamesFrancoTV to have hair again & shave his stupid mustache,” one user wrote.
“James Franco’s mustache looks like he wants it to find another apartment but he can’t work up the guts to kick it out,” another added.
“You’re starting to look just like Cheech from Cheech and Chong,” a third wrote.
The backlash was surprising given that Mr. Franco was just the latest in a string of scruff-chic stars, including Brad Pitt, Bradley Cooper and Michael Cera, who have tried to revive the mustache as a not-entirely-ironic fashion statement. And not always for Movember, the annual awareness campaign that encourages men to grow lip fuzz to promote male health in November.
But even for the anointed, the mustache is sometimes met with wisecracks that inevitably invoke 1970s pornographic-film stars or Ron Burgundy of “Anchorman” fame…
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