17 Oct ALACAZEM 2014.10.16
October 16 to 23, 2014 Visible planets: Morning: Jupiter Evening: Mercury, Mars, Saturn
The Moon wanes each night this week, growing progressively smaller and more delicate in the early morning predawn skies. Mental Mercury [now retrograde] and voluptuous Venus pair up in late degree Libra on the morning of Oct. 17th and are followed by the conjunction of generous Jupiter and the maternal Moon in full-of-heart Leo before sunset. This translates as plenty of emotion, optimism and hope regarding relationships and heartfelt desires. These days are power-packed with ecliptic possibility and potential, and this week is one filled with fertile cosmic soil in which to plant seeds of good intention and deep desire.
Night skies are stellar. The blue-black canopy of deep space sparkles with glittering diamonds as the stars of autumn and winter rise in the east in twilight and travel west until dawn. And as the slender, crescent Moon moves ever-closer toward the October 23rd solar eclipse in early Scorpio, the infinite, eternal cosmic womb grows ever more fertile. So why not take some time this week and utilize these magically charmed, magnetically charged days and nights to feel your own heart and soul, find the fire within, connect with the Spirit of the Universe and wish upon a star? It’s something that cannot be explained, just experienced. Good luck and may the Force be with you!
[For more on the Oct. 23rd partial solar eclipse, click on this link: www.skyandtelescope.com and discover my favorite “go-to” astronomy website.]
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) The Moon darkens this week as eclipse energy emanates rays of personal magnitude and import regarding the most significant people in your world. Who are you in relation to others? How do you see yourself and how do others see you? Family, friends, lovers, bosses, authorities and co-workers want you to succeed. Responsibility is awesome. Accept it and be free. Do the best you can. Really do it!
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) The major impact from trials and tribulations of partners and significant others has peaked. Physical, emotional and spiritual challenges have taken their toll, but the good news is you have now both changed for the better. Health is wealth and taking good care of yourself sets a standard and example for others to follow. Just keep doing your part, be the best you can be and reap the rewards of spiritual generosity.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) A powerful pack of planets in your solar 6th house of service may have you doing for others what they cannot do for themselves. And, bless you, there is nothing more rewarding than helping people who need and appreciate what you have to give. Just make sure you are taking care of yourself in the process. Eclipse energy ignites personal creativity and favors daily programs of self-improvement. Stay on the path.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) As the Moon wanes and night skies sparkle with starlight, take time to explore the magical world of spirit. October is a month of transformation and metamorphosis for Moonchildren as the Mother Earth offers her magnificent beauty and bounty. Gather wood for winter, put food by, spend time in the kitchen but get outside in seductive Indian Summer whenever you can. Good things come to those who love.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) As the Scorpio solar eclipse draws ever closer, count your blessings and focus upon goodness. Wanting what you have rather than what you don’t have is the key to happiness. Good health, a warm home and a happy heart top the list of priority when it comes to now. Breathe deep, sleep well. Communicate feelings of love to those you love, practice kindness and compassion. And be gentle with you.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Busy business, commerce and communication are themes as the October 23rd solar eclipse draws closer. Keep your heart open and your mind clear. It’s time to clean, organize and prioritize. Make lists and take a good long look at how you manage finances. Reckless spending and self-indulgent behaviors simply do not work for you. Self-improvement and sacrifice do. Be practical, balance the budget and keep it real.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) The recent Aries-Libra total lunar eclipse illuminated issues of self and other with brilliant clarity and stellar light. The result is a more enlightened view of what you are here to do and with whom you are best suited to do it. Personal creativity, happiness and good health are themes. The Earth Walk is one of unlimited possibility and potential but also limited time. Each day is a gift. Use it wisely and well.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) These days are packed with power and potential. Others see you as incredibly gifted, charismatically attractive, uniquely skilled and competent in everything you do. Now then, what are your choices? As eclipse energy builds, take a serious personal inventory of your actions and attitudes. Identify what needs bolstering and/or improvement. Commit to a practice of self-betterment and start reaping the rewards.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) Angels and guardian spirits surround you as eclipse energy shimmers sparkles of love and light upon your path. The main thing is to stay on the path of goodness, gratitude and grace. The time has come for self-forgiveness, compassion and loving-kindness when it comes to others. A gentle approach is the best approach now. Angry, self-righteous attitudes and actions are destined to fail. Enjoy the glow, shine on.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) Challenge and change is now the norm for stoic Capricorns. No matter what the weather, you seem to have the right equipment and resources to do the job, and do it well. Good news is that your inherent skills and talents have been honed to near-perfection. Accomplishment is your middle name. This week, calm the jets and take some time to relax and replenish. Identify aspirations and follow your dreams.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) The Libra zodiac month is one of inspiration and higher-self awareness. The upcoming Scorpio zodiac month is one of accomplishment and recognition. Both combine for an extended period of success and reward. Congratulations. You have reached a certain type of performance peak and are reaping the harvest of your hard work and perseverance. Get ready to start another major phase. Rest and relax.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Communication and motivation combine in the effort to improve intimacy and trust in your most important relationships. And, good news, now is a perfect time for success. As days grower shorter and nights are longer, we instinctively want to pair and partner. Others are more than willing to share resources, thoughts and emotions. Give what you want to receive and be confident about the return. No pressure, choose joy.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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