05 Oct Ah Haa Moment: 5th Annual BRAvo Invitational
Some things are just too good to be kept secret – such as an undergarment decorated like a disco ball, or a brassiere covered with candy. Or the most racy, fun-raiser of the year: Ah Haa’s BRAvo Show, where local gentlemen (firefighters, law enforcement officials and other service workers) model bras that have been decorated by artists and friends.
Why all the fuss?
October is Breast Cancer Awareness and Domestic Violence Prevention Month.
A portion of the funds raised at this unique (read Telluride-only) event go to support the San Miguel Resource Center, the region’s only nonprofit that deals with domestic violence and sexual assault. Specifically, the Resource Center provides intervention services, prevention education, and advocacy to victims.
Funds also go to the Bosom Buddies Breast Cancer Support Group of Southwestern Colorado, a Montrose-based nonprofit.
Additional proceeds support the Ah Haa School’s community programs.
To participate in BRAvo, the community is encouraged to decorate a bra, due at Ah Haa by Monday, October 13.
“We all know Telluride is a uniquely talented community,” said Kathleen Cole, special events and marketing director at the Ah Haa School for the Arts. “At no time does this become more apparent than in the bras people submit for the BRAvo fundraiser each year: everything from bottle caps, paint, felt and even keys and electronics have adorned the undergarments-as-canvas Ah Haa provides each year. And the men who model the unmentionables are equally colorful and uninhibited. Why men? Because breast cancer and domestic violence effects men through their mothers, daughters, sisters, wives and friends. Having guys model the bras allows them to play an active role in support, turning the tables on trouble in a fun and festive way. Everyone from local artists to firemen, the Sheridan Bar, and others in our extended community have come together to grow BRAvo. And we thank you all in advance.”
Stop by the Ah Haa to pick up a bra to decorate.
For more information, please contact the Ah Haa School at (970) 728-3886.
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