26 Sep Quentin Tarantino Set to Shoot New Film at Schmid Ranch
As reported in the Denver Post, Quentin Tarantino’s latest film will be shot entirely in the Schmid Ranch, Wilson Mesa area beginning in early December. “The Hateful Eight” takes place just after the Civil War and is about bounty hunters trying to find shelter during a blizzard getting involved in a plot of betrayal and deception. The film stars such notable actors as Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Tim Roth, Michael Madsen and Bruce Dern.
The state has blessed a $5 million incentive package to help bring production of writer-director Quentin Tarantino’s eighth feature film to southwestern Colorado in December.
The state Economic Development Commission approved the package Friday morning, allowing the state to beat out rival locales Utah and Wyoming for filming.
Minutes after approval, state film commissioner Donald Zuckerman signed the necessary contracts so production spending could move forward in the state.
Budgeted at $44 million, Tarantino’s “The Hateful Eight” would be the most significant production undertaken in the state since the 1969 classic “True Grit” was shot here.
“The whole movie’s going to be shot here, exteriors and interiors,” Zuckerman said. “They’re going to build it on a ranch.”
The film’s Colorado budget includes $15.7 million for payroll, including a Colorado crew of 168, and $9.35 million in other in-state spending, including lodging. The state rebate of $5 million represents 20 percent of that spending.
Prep work should begin early next month with shooting expected to start on Dec. 8 at the Schmid Ranch, on Wilson Mesa 10 miles west of Telluride. The crew would be housed in Telluride and take a break over the Christmas holiday.
The nearly 900-acre, high-mesa ranch, homesteaded in 1882, is under a conservation easement, which will require that the land be returned to its original state after filming is completed.
That easement allows for social, scenic and sport uses and commercial have been filmed on the property, said Mike Rozycki, planning director for San Miguel County.
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