05 Sep ALACAZEM 2014.09.04
September 4 to 11, 2014 Visible planets: Morning: Venus, Jupiter Evening: Mercury, Mars, Saturn
Happy Harvest Moon! [September 8th @ 7:38 pm MDT 16 degrees 19 mintues Virgo/Pisces] May it be beautiful, bountiful and bright…
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) This week’s Virgo/Pisces full Moon brings issues of self-esteem and self-healing to a head. The last few years of your life have been a raucous, wild ride. The function has been to awaken you spiritually, get you out of dysfunctional ruts and let go of what no longer serves you. And it has not been easy. Today you understand the power of personal responsibility and the freedom of honesty. Be kind and gentle with the process.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) As your heart continues to open, you are poignantly aware of when you feel compelled to close it. Some people and their behaviors just don’t work for you and your proclivity for facts takes precedent over diplomacy. The ongoing restructuring of your most important relationships continues; your help to others is greatly appreciated. The long-term rewards here are great, even if you cannot see it now.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) The Virgo Sun and Pisces Moon oppose each other this week in the September Harvest Moon. As the fifth of five “Super Moons” this year, be certain you will feel the powerful tidal forces – literally and figuratively – of this lunation. Family, self and others square off, along with career demands and responsibilities, in a dynamic dance of priority. Focus on health, cultivate compassion and simply do the best you can.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) The magnetic magic of the Harvest Moon evokes spirit, stimulates memories and brings a bountiful basket of emotions to the surface of your conscious awareness. Pay attention to what you think and feel. Is this reality – what you can see, smell and touch – or are there hidden, invisible forces at work in the Universe much more powerful than you know today? Surrender to the mystery. Relax and let it flow.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) Body, mind, spirit is the mantra for the week. Everything and everyone is interconnected, we all affect each and every second, moment and hour with our thoughts, words and deeds. Harvest “super” Moon energy puts you in the driver’s seat when it comes to results. For every action, there is an equal and like reaction. Life is an equation and karma is cause and effect. Do your best and pass the test.
Virgo(Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Voluptuous Venus moves into Virgo this week just prior to the full Harvest Moon in your sign, adding hugs to kisses and love to romance. Lucky you. Guardian angels, invisible forces and even people you may have thought were enemies are ready now to help and assist you. Forgiveness and compassion are themes, so start first with you. Next tune in to internal dialogs. Change the channel if you don’t like the show.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) Messenger Mercury now moving through Libra may have your mind racing with plans or projects of self-directed desire and will. Yes, it’s true you are multi-talented and full of creative ideas, just simply lack the time to bring it all to fruition. Good news is that self-disciplined Saturn in your solar 2nd house of manifestation keeps you on task, productive in spite of the busy-ness. You’re getting more done than you realize. Ask the angels, follow the light.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) With two masculine planets and two feminine asteroids now transiting Scorpio, these days are blessed with a certain type of primal power and cosmic balance that can be tapped and channeled to create and manifest your highest hopes and dreams. The golden keys are acceptance, responsibility, desire, self-discipline, honesty, right action, patience, kindness, nurturing, self-care, compassion and perseverance. Good luck!
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) The September Harvest Moon takes place in the Virgo-Pisces polarity, creating a mutable T-square to your Sun-sign. This translates as a dynamic week of personal acceptance and responsibility, when and where you may be asked to face and take care of what you most need to face and take care of. Rather than dread and avoid it, embrace it. Focus on the facts and embrace the freedom of living in the solution.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) Autumn beckons as the full Harvest “super” Moon comes to fruition in the Virgo-Pisces polarity, your solar 3rd/9th house axis of perception, communication, learning, teaching, exploring and discovering. Your higher and lower selves dance in the light of both physical and spiritual worlds. Practice the art of second attention – take note of your first thought and make the second one more enlightened. It’s an art you can master.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Your most intimate relationships and the most important people in your life emerge physically, spiritually or emotionally this week as the Harvest Moon grows full. Money and finances are also at issue as you inventory assets, consider investments, scrutinize spending and gather resources. This is an excellent time for balancing the books and moving realistically toward your goals. Keep up the good work.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) The annual Harvest Moon takes place as the Sun crosses your solar chart’s western celestial horizon, the symbolic point of ascension regarding you and others. Partnership, marriage, commitments and the outside world in general glisten and glow before you, heart and soul. Seasonal changes evoke powerful feelings and poignant emotions, powerful memories of love and loss. Embrace it all. Live and love.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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