10 Aug Telluride Theatre: Bread & Circus
Telluride Theatre’s “Bread & Circus,” is an original play by artistic director Sasha Sullivan in collaboration with the cast & crew. Curtain, 8:00 pm, August 17-22, in the Hotel Madeline ballroom. Free, though a $15 donation is greatly appreciated. To become a member (and get prime seats for all shows), click here.
Telluride Theatre‘s artistic director Sasha Sullivan has a thing for the naked truth.
Mostly literally.
Think her annual fundraiser, “Burlesque,” last year’s blockbuster “Hair,” and last year’s original production, “Dinner with Dionysus,” in which the clothes stay on, but the gloves come off.
Billed as “an armchair entertainment revolution,” Sasha will undoubtedly make waves again with “Bread & Circus,” imposing, we imagine, the full monty on the current socio-political environment, so the production is definitely not suitable for young people: 17+ recommended.
“… Already long ago, from when we sold our vote to no man, the People have abdicated our duties; for the People who once upon a time handed out military command, high civil office, legions – everything, now restrains itself and anxiously hopes for just two things: bread and circuses,” Juvenal (Roman poet circa AD 100).
Per Sasha, the year is 2044 and the entertainment machine is out of control. Entertainment is used as a device to appease the masses and keep them placid. Public approval of politics and the corporate culture is gained by distractification, tittitainment and superficial satisfaction. One man sees through it all; starts an armchair revolution to take down the system and bring truth, beauty and love back to the people.
“Bread & Circus” was written by Sasha Sullivan in collaboration with the cast, in a six-week process. This is Telluride Theatre’s (and Sasha’s) seventh year creating and premiering an original show in Telluride.
Directed by Sasha Sullivan
Choreography by Lyndia Peralta
Original music by Ethan Hale
Featuring: Sam Burgess, Cat Lee Covert, Patrick Dyar, Gin Eborn, Marissa Mattys, Caroline Grace Moore, Stephanie Osan, Anna Robinson, Colin Sullivan
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