08 Jul Telluride Foundation: July Programs
Join the Telluride Foundation for the following programs in July:
1) Understanding Financial Statements Workshop, Friday, July 18, from 10:30am to 12:30pm, the Telluride Library Program Room.
The workshop will be taught by Michael A. Freedman CPA, with over 40 years of experience as a CPA, specializing in auditing and accounting for nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit staff and board members are encouraged to attend to gain knowledge about how to better manage the resources of their organization. Participants will review a real nonprofit financial statement to better grasp how to understand and interpret the information presented. Freedman is a founding partner of Gelman, Rosenberg and Freedman CPAs in Washington D.C. and is the former director of the firm’s audit department. Throughout his career, he has specialized in auditing and accounting for nonprofit organizations. His expertise includes structuring of nonprofit organizations, internal control evaluation, government compliance auditing, financial management consulting and employee benefit plan auditing. In addition to developing his technical expertise, he has been involved in nonprofit management and remains active in other areas of the nonprofit community. Freedman is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Greater Washington society of CPAs. He is a part-time Mountain Village resident and a member of the board of Telluride Adaptive Sports.
2) Community Grants – 2014 Grant Revisions Presentation – Live Meeting, Friday, July 18, 1:30 to 2:30 at the Telluride Library Program Room. Learn about new revisions to our 2014 Community Grant guidelines and process. (This is not the same as the webinar, held in September, which walks prospective grant applicants through the grant application).
Note: this workshop follows the Understanding Financial Statements Workshop, with a break for lunch.
3) Community Grants – 2014 Grant Revisions Presentation – Live Webinar, Tuesday July 22, 2:00pm to 3:00pm. Register at https://cc.readytalk.com/r/imyvxso2mubt&eom. The webinar will be posted on the Telluride Foundation website for potential grant applicants to review at their convenience.
4) Executive Director Breakfast, Thursday, July 24, 8:30am to 9:45am at the Telluride TV Studio (entrance is on west side of Telluride High School. Drive toward the back of the school, but door is on side of building near fire line). Communications Consultant Heather Bledsoe will speak on “Presenting a Professional Image.” Come learn how to put your best foot forward through your language and non-verbal communication for presentations and public appearances, as well as learn tricks of improving your “on camera” look.
Please RSVP for the Financial Statements Workshop or Executive Director Breakfast to april@telluridefoundation.org
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