18 Jul ALACAZEM 2014.07.17
July 17 to 24, 2014 Visible planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus Evening: Mars, Saturn
Giant planet Jupiter, a.k.a. the Greater Benefic, moves from intuitive, feeling-oriented Cancer into creative, action-oriented Leo this week, ending its one-year transit through the zodiac’s first water sign. This event heralds a 12-month period that favors all things “Leo” – fabulous news for all those born from July 22to August 22/23– and indicates that the happiest, healthiest people on the planet this year will be those who cultivate the love, generosity, open-hearted courage, passion and loyalty characteristic of the animal kingdom’s royal king and queen of beasts.
Today, in the modern astrological world, Jupiter is known as the planet of spiritual and social consciousness. It rules individual and social belief systems, religion, religious doctrine and dogma, philosophy, philanthropy, politics and political ideology. Jupiter is the planet of the higher mind and higher self, as opposed to messenger Mercury, the planet of the lower mind [i.e. our everyday conversations and learning, general communication, perception, thinking and thought] and lower self [the self that gets up and makes the bed, feeds the kids, pays the bills and figures out how to get from A to Z on any given day]. As the ancient, mythological god of gods and supreme ruler of heaven and earth, Jupiter [the Greek Zeus – god of thunder and lightening] has a rather golden, benevolent power that can bestow and beget good luck, good fortune and goodness to whatever or whomever it touches or chooses. And just like lightening, it hits like a bolt out of the blue.
Whenever Jupiter moves from one sign into another, the world experiences a subtle, but major, shift in collective social and spiritual consciousness. The heavens and etheric field surrounding our Mother Earth begin emanating the energy and vibrations of the sign into which Jupiter has moved, sending sparks of higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment to all those willing and open to receive it.
In Leo – a fixed fire sign ruled by the Sun – we will be given a myriad of muiti-faceted opportunities to follow our hearts, pursue romance, be creative, express ourselves artistically, find our passion, honor our friends and family, find love via trust and faith, smile and laugh, act like children, reconnect with our inner child, have fun, take pride in our appearance, cultivate beauty in ourselves and our surroundings, be the center of attention, show off a little here and there, do the next right thing, get excited, take risks and roar like a lion.
Courage and strength, excitement and grandeur, Leo is truly a power and passion that loves life in all it’s dramatic beauty and bounty. It’s time to open our hearts and shine like the Sun.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) Big cosmic news! Giant planet Jupiter moves into fiery, passionate Leo on July 16th for a yearlong stay. Center yourself in goodness and open your heart, beauty is in and all around you. Romantic pastimes and creative pursuits are favored over the next 12 months as the Greater Benefic moves through your solar 5th house of love. Strength, courage and truth are allies. Be the best you can be. Simple and free.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) You may find yourself expanding your domestic environment, welcoming a new addition to the family or traveling to be with those you love as over-the-rainbow planet Jupiter moves into your solar 4th house of the home. This is a fortuitous time for healing childhood and/or emotional wounds; making amends to loved ones or simply moving forward with confidence in your personal life. Hope and faith are allies.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) You can look forward to a year of mental expansion and spiritual enrichment as inspirational Jupiter moves into your solar 3rd house of perception, definition and understanding, Maintain an mind open and be willing to explore a variety of diverse perspectives, philosophies and cultures. Travel is an option and learning via the written word, media, life experience and interactive conversations are themes.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) Generous Jupiter exits steamy Cancer and enters fiery Leo this week, putting the finishing touches on a year of significant challenge, change and important choices. As the first year of this 12-year cycle morphs into the second, count your blessings embrace the many natural gifts with which you were born. It’s time to move confidently into the present-moment, conscious creation of your magnificent life.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) Congratulations! You are entering the first phase of your recurring 12-year Jupiter cycle, a major and important cycle of personal expansion, exploration and opportunity. Prepare for a powerful shift of priorities, increasing optimism and periods of apparent good luck and good fortune. A positive attitude and an open heart are golden assets on the journey. Smile and be happy, life is good and getting better.
Virgo(Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Welcome to the mysterious, magical world of great good hope and mystic fortune. Jupiter, planet of guardian angels and spirit guides, is entering your solar 12th house of the numinous and divine, illuminating a golden path to inner peace and universal oneness. Look for the signs and pay attention to information coming from invisible sources. Compassion, forgiveness and faith uplift and support you now. Stay on the path.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) Fire loves air and Leos love Libras, as air feeds fires and must consumer oxygen to flame. This simple fire and air equation translates as an upcoming year of enhanced passion, inspiration and spirit, a year of dreams coming true and hopes being realized. The powerful potential of magic and miracles surround you, but the door must be opened with the golden key of goodness, faith and right action. Follow your heart.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) Step by step and day by day, you are moving forward on life’s magical, enigmatic journey of responsibility and freedom. As you know, self-discipline and structure are golden keys to happiness, success and overall well-being. Your natural gifts of focus and tenacity are useful tools now, as sacrificial themes have proven worthy. Professional options increase and you are in demand. Make wise choices. Go forth.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) Fellow fire-sign Leo has been awarded with the benevolent, good luck and good fortune that only golden-hearted planet Jupiter can deliver. Why not enlist in the King of Beast’s army of bodhisattvas – spiritual warriors – in the battle of good vs. evil? As right-hand assistant and strategic advisor to royalty, lead by example and embrace the power of attraction, rather than promotion. Ride happy and live free.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) You may feel mysteriously passionate and inspired by someone or something that attracts and compels you toward uncharted territories and foreign destinations. Emotional frontiers and boundaries, as well as those on the physical, material plane, beckon exploration. You feel stronger and more courageous than you have in years. A willing heart and an open mind take you exactly where you want and need to go.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) As our solar system’s largest planet enters Leo, your opposite sign, and begins its year-long transit through your solar 7th house of commitment and marriage, you may experience an exhilarating thrill and feelings of excitement when it comes to sharing and pairing. One way or another, you are more willing to explore the options, benefits and potential of long-term responsibility. Check it out. Enjoy the R&D.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) The shift from Jupiter in fertile Cancer – your solar 5th house of romantic pastimes and creative pursuit – into passionate Leo – your solar 6th house of work, service and self-improvement, may feel at first like you’ve pulled the plug on fun or let the air out of your balloon. However, you are actually somewhat relieved. There is so much job security, and ultimate joy, in the rewarding work of healing. Body, mind and spirit!
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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