11 Jul ALACAZEM 2014.07.10
July 10 to 17, 2014 Visible planets: Morning: Mercury, Venus Evening: Mars, Saturn
In India, the full Moon of July is known as the “guru Moon” and throughout the land people celebrate, pay homage and honor the lives and teachings of their gurus – past and present, living or dead, physically here on Earth or still metaphysically alive in spirit.
What a wonderful concept and holiday. I will always remember the first time I heard about the “guru Moon.” I was sitting at the subterranean bar in Telluride’s Moon Gypsy Saloon, falling madly in love with the man who would turn out to be terribly wrong for me, an undeniably important piece of my cosmically fueled, evolutionary puzzle. Destiny. He was devastatingly handsome – charismatic and clever, funny, relaxed and sexy. His voice and laughter struck a chord deep within me. The way he smiled. As if I knew him. I could feel him. I was 22 years old and full of romantic dreams and fantasies; like many girls my age, looking for Prince Charming. And there he was, incarnate, sitting right next to me, at a bar in a dramatically beautiful mountain town, far away from everything and everyone I knew and loved. It didn’t seem real. I was enchanted. It was my first encounter with a master magician of soul and spirit. And just as I felt myself being swept away, the bartender/owner happened to mention the “guru Moon.” My fate was sealed.
That night, under the flooding silver moonlight of the July full Moon, James Bond reached in and took my heart. And although things never worked out the way I thought I wanted them to – thank god and goddess! – just like a guru, this velvet-gloved, volatile, violet-eyed Don Juan of soul and spirit – painfully and ecstatically – taught me about my own body, mind and spirit; my evolving soul, my life and myself. Expectation, hope and disappointment; strength, courage and gratitude. Most important, coming of age, I learned about the seductive power of illusion and comfort of compassion.
So here we are, once again, under the enchanting spell of July’s magical full “guru” Moon. Let us pay homage to our teachers, celebrate our lessons, keep our eyes wide open and recognize that spiritual masters and teachers come in many shapes and sizes, costumes and disguises. Good luck and may we have the strength and courage to keep our hearts open and our spirits free. Happy “guru” Moon!
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.) The dynamic, dramatic effects of this year’s non-stop grand cardinal cross continues with the July 12th Cancer-Capricorn full Moon – our problems don’t and won’t go away until we make the necessary changes. Issues of personal responsibility and self-care are themes. Victim mentalities are like quicksand now. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Freedom lives via acceptance, honesty and right action.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) Awakening, enlightenment and change have been powerful themes now for a year or two. Lightening-quick Uranus in your solar 12th house of past and present life karma flickers images and information through your mind and solar plexus like a projector of numinous light. Open your spiritual toolbox and get out acceptance, compassion and forgiveness. Just make sure healthy boundaries and honesty are close by.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) Voluptuous Venus in Gemini trines a powerful stellium in diplomatic, peace-loving Libra as the Moon grows full this week. This translates as a come-and-go feeling of deep understanding and inner serenity regarding other people, places and things. Acceptance is your ally here. We cannot control the weather or change others. We can change how we react and act toward them. Balance the yin and yang, male and female.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) Full Moons bring dark to light. On a metaphysical level, they illuminate what lies out of our conscious awareness; subconscious desires, hidden agendas, patterns of denial and/or suppressed emotions. As this lunation takes place in Cancer, it is especially potent for Moonchildren. Pay attention to what emerges within and without, inside and outside. Themes of self-care and personal responsibility are big.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) The Cancer-Capricorn polarity of this week’s full Moon falls on your solar 12th and 6th house axis, shining light upon the illuminating road of soul and spirit. Happiness is an inside job, but its creation comes via right action and good works. Clarity, self-discipline, sacrifice and focus must be balanced with self-care, self-nurturing and inner peace. Everyone needs to serve and be of service; give your gifts to the world.
Virgo(Aug. 22-Sep. 22) This week’s full Moon lunation highlights issues of care and responsibility, family relationships, parental roles and situations where we may feel torn between taking care of ourselves and giving to others. If you feel victimized, compromised, taken advantage of or unappreciated, take a good look at your physical and emotional boundaries. Get real, be practical and focus on the facts. Organize, prioritize and keep it clean.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) The Cancer-Capricorn full Moon marks an important turning point in Libra’s annual revolution around the Sun. A point of reckoning and right action regarding personal, family, social and professional relationships and responsibilities, it’s a time to see clearly into the dynamics of your heart and soul. Balance compassion, assistance and help with facts. Attract rather than promote, and simply lead by example.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) The Cancer-Capricorn lunar axis of the July 12th full Moon favors inner reflection and process before taking action, and taking action may be exactly what you feel compelled to do. Balance is the key to success. Tap into your higher self, take the high road and view whatever you are concerned with from a higher perspective. Communicate, explore and discover. Feel your feelings and express your truth.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) While you are being called upon to show up, suit up and do the job, you may find yourself reluctant to sign up and commit. Examine your intentions and desires. Take a good look at the motives and needs of yourself and others. Also recognize the inherent transitory nature of all things, everything and everyone is in a constant state of transition and transformation. Focus on the present moment, do your best.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) Life is full and getting fuller. The long-lasting, ongoing grand cardinal cross in orb continues to push and pull, press and progress you through life’s many doors, rooms and windows. And this week, the full Moon illuminates the hidden hallways, backdoor basements and dark dungeons of body, mind and soul. Rather than shudder and run, face and embrace the fear. Feel, heal and follow the light of truth.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) On July 16th generous giant planet Jupiter will move from Cancer into Leo, your opposite sign and solar 7th house of long-term relationships and commitments. This is the classic “marriage” transit and heralds a year of auspicious opportunity and involvement regarding others. Smile and breathe deep. You stand on the precipice of great, fortuitous sharing and pairing. In the meantime, ask the angels and practice prayer.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) A rather sweet and steamy full Moon rises above the mountains and valleys of your heart and soul this week. Cancer-Capricorn lunations manifest each year as a bi-annual balancing dance of romance and reality, illusion and fact regarding issues of love and creativity as well as your own personal hopes and dreams. It’s a big picture and the highest perspective gives you the greatest view. Take your time and trust what comes.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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