23 Jun Telluride Wine Fest: Wine Life Radio
“The practice of drinking wine and then find something to say about it has always had a certain national character,” observed The New Yorker.
The universal appeal of grape is supported by the numbers. Wine sales in the U.S. alone from all production sources—California, other U.S. states and foreign countries—increased 2% from the previous year to a new record of 360.1 million 9-liter cases with an estimated retail value of $34.6 billion (Jon Fredrikson of Gomberg, Fredrikson & Associates in Woodside).
They are coming to town in force. “They” are among the legions of oenophiles, Telluride Wine Festivarians, people who inhale audibly at the mere mention of the word “Bordeaux” paired in the same sentence as the words “Chateaux Lafite Rothschild.” But few of them condone torture in any form – including phrases such as “afterthoughts of linden” and “fragrances of toasted milk bread,” to give a few example on a long list of poetic flights of fancy used to describe the Almighty Grape.
In winespeak, certain terms are universal – but nearly incomprehensible unless you happen to be in the trade and forced to pronounce words such as “malolactic” to make your assessment understood. (A close translation is “creamy.”) Unless you happen to be in the trade and are on a mission to make tasting and all things wine fun by removing the intimidation factor and pretense.
Grapes can be persnickety. Wine Life Radio is not. The show is plainspoken and deeply knowledgeable with the wit to cut through the goobledygook to the truth about all things wine.
Wine Life Radio has grown to become the trusted source for broad media exposure for wine experts world-wide, recognized around the globe as the foremost broadcast media in wine buying.
Wine Life Radio is live weekly on RealTalk760 iHeart Radio and daily on the TuneIn Network and it’s Internet Radio following. Guests include winemakers, winery owners, local wine buyers, wine association representatives, industry representatives, local and national chefs, industry writers and critics, restaurateurs and many more. Between broadcast and the Internet, Wine Life Radio reaches on average 130,000 listeners weekly.
And Wine Life Radio is coming to town to cover the 33rd annual Telluride Wine Festival, Thursday, June 26 – Sunday, June 29, a weekend of wine (and other popular beverages), food, talks, cooking demonstrations, and camaraderie.
Wine Life Radio is Keith Miller, host, with 30 years of experience in the wine industry. He started Wine Life Radio because he felt there was a need for clear insights and a no-nonsense approach to informing and education the wine consumer.
Co-host Kimberly Faye has over 20 years experience in sales and marketing and is often featured on TV and radio and in print media. She is also the author of “Memoir of a Broken Brain.” As a sommelier, Faye writes Wine Life’s blog and leads the “League of Somm’s” wine critique group. “Be intentional about creating memorable moments” is one of Faye’s guiding principles. Her latest quest: finding the perfect picnic.
To learn more, listen to my interview with Keith Miller and Kimberly Faye.
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